ufs-community / ufs-weather-model

UFS Weather Model
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Fire Coupling FV3ATM and Community Fire Behavior Model #2220

Open danrosen25 opened 1 month ago

danrosen25 commented 1 month ago

Commit Queue Requirements:

This work is co-authored by @masih-e and @pedro-jm

Commit Message:

* UFSWM - The fire_behavior component has been added and a new application created 'ATMF'. This work also includes a new regression test 'cpld_regional_atm_fbh' for testing two-way coupling of the atm component (fv3atm) and fbh component (fire_behavior)
  * CMEPS - CMEPS required modifications to be aligned with the changes to the ccpp physics package
  * FV3 - the fv3 cap has been modified to export atmosphere forcing data to the fire component when 'cpl_fire' is set to true. It will also import new fields for physics.
    * ccpp-physics - the ccpp physics package has been modified to add heat fluxes, upward specific humidity flux, and a smoke tracer from the fire component.


Git Tracking


Sub component Pull Requests:

UFSWM Blocking Dependencies:


Regression Test Changes (Please commit test_changes.list):

Input data Changes:

Library Changes/Upgrades:

Testing Log: