ufvivotech / ufDataQualityImprovement

Project to improve UF vivo data quality and accuracy
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Develop an expert finder for VIVO #374

Open mconlon17 opened 10 years ago

mconlon17 commented 10 years ago

Based on work started at the VIVO Hackathon

Twitter bootstrap, Angular, D3.

Bimodal force-directed graph -- concepts and people. Data is publications

mconlon17 commented 10 years ago

Milestone 1 -- create concordance. Completed

mconlon17 commented 10 years ago

Milestone 2 -- use concordance to generate simple concept centric network -- for a concept -- attach all related concepts and authors. Completed.

mconlon17 commented 10 years ago

Milestone 3 -- create a "two level" concept graph -- concept concept to all related concept and authors and then connect each of them one level further out. Completed.

mconlon17 commented 10 years ago

Demoed to the Apps and Tools group. See http://vivo.ufl.edu/display/n226702

mconlon17 commented 10 years ago

based on Dave Eichmann's comments during the demo, attempt to create some assertions that are optimized for the expert finder.