uga-rosa / denippet.vim

A snippet plugin for Vim/Neovim, powered by TypeScript
MIT License
30 stars 1 forks source link

Failed to load a snippet file #19

Closed yasunori0418 closed 8 months ago

yasunori0418 commented 8 months ago

version: b11b80a70e69e62be1b43feb0d67cdf42b87d987

Some snippets from failed to load in the target version.

There are no errors in this version.

sample error logs.

Failed to load a snippet file /home/yasunori/.cache/dpp/repos/^@AssertError: Expected a value that satisfies the predicate isRecordOf(isObjectOf({^@  prefix: isOptionalOf(isUnionOf([^@    isString,^@    isArrayOf(isString)^@])),^@  prefix_regexp: isOptionalOf(isUnionOf([^@    isString,^@    isArrayOf(isString)^@  ])),^@  body: isUnionOf([^@    isString,^@    isArrayOf(isString)^@  ]),^@  description: isOptionalOf(isUnionOf([^@    isString,^@    isArrayOf(isString)^@  ])),^@  if: isOptionalOf(isLiteralOneOf([^@ "base",^@    "start",^@    "vimscript",^@    "lua"^@  ])),^@  eval: isOptionalOf(isString)^@}), undefined), got object: {^@  "Attribute using recommended pattern": {^@    "prefix": "attribute",^@    "body": [^@      "[System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.${1:All}, Inherited = ${2:false}, AllowMultiple = ${3:true})]",^@      "sealed class ${4:My}Attribute : System.Attribute",^@      "{",^@      "    // See the attribute guidelines at",^@      "    //",^@      "    readonly string positionalString;",^@      "    ",^@      "    // This is a positional argument",^@      "    public ${4:My}Attribute(string positionalString)",^@      "    {",^@      "        this.positionalString = positionalString;",^@      "        ",^@      "        // TODO: Implement code here",^@      "        ${5:throw new System.NotImplementedException();}",^@      "    }",^@      "    ",^@      "    public string PositionalString",^@      "    {",^@      "        get { return positionalString; }",^@      "    }",^@      "    ",^@      "    // This is a named argument",^@      "    public int NamedInt { get; set; }",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "Attribute using recommended pattern"^@  },^@  "Checked block": {^@    "prefix": "checked",^@    "body": [^@      "checked",^@      "{",^@      "    $0",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "Checked block"^@  },^@  "Class": {^@    "prefix": "class",^@    "body": [^@  "class ${1:Name}",^@      "{",^@      "    $0",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "Class"^@  },^@  "Console.WriteLine": {^@    "prefix": "cw",^@    "body": [^@      "System.Console.WriteLine($0);"^@    ],^@    "description": "Console.WriteLine"^@  },^@  "do...while loop": {^@    "prefix": "do",^@    "body": [^@      "do",^@      "{",^@      "    $0",^@      "} while (${1:true});"^@    ],^@    "description": "do...while loop"^@  },^@  "Else statement": {^@    "prefix": "else",^@    "body": [^@      "else",^@      "{",^@      "    $0",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "Else statement"^@  },^@  "Enum": {^@    "prefix": "enum",^@    "body": [^@      "enum ${1:Name}",^@      "{",^@      "    $0",^@      "}"^@    ],^@   "description": "Enum"^@  },^@  "Implementing Equals() according to guidelines": {^@    "prefix": "equals",^@    "body": [^@      "// override object.Equals",^@      "public override bool Equals(object obj)",^@      "{",^@      "    //",^@      "    // See the full list of guidelines at",^@     "    //",^@      "    // and also the guidance for operator== at",^@      "    //",^@      "    //",^@      "    ",^@      "    if (obj == null || GetType() != obj.GetType())",^@      "    {",^@     "        return false;",^@      "    }",^@      "    ",^@      "    // TODO: write your implementation of Equals() here",^@      "    ${1:throw new System.NotImplementedException();}",^@      "    return base.Equals (obj);",^@      "}",^@      "",^@      "// override object.GetHashCode",^@      "public override int GetHashCode()",^@      "{",^@      "    // TODO: write your implementation of GetHashCode() here",^@      "    ${2:throw new System.NotImplementedException();}",^@      "    return base.GetHashCode();",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "Implementing Equals() according to guidelines"^@  },^@  "Exception": {^@    "prefix": "exception",^@    "body": [^@      "[System.Serializable]",^@      "public class ${1:My}Exception : ${2:System.Exception}",^@      "{",^@      "    public ${1:My}Exception() { }",^@      "    public ${1:My}Exception(string message) : base(message) { }",^@      "    public ${1:My}Exception(string message, System.Exception inner) : base(message, inner) { }",^@      "    protected ${1:My}Exception(",^@      "        System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info,",^@      "        System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext context) : base(info, context) { }",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "Exception"^@  },^@  "Foreach statement": {^@    "prefix": "foreach",^@    "body": [^@      "foreach (${1:var} ${2:item} in ${3:collection})",^@      "{",^@      "    $0",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "Foreach statement"^@  },^@  "Reverse for loop": {^@    "prefix": "forr",^@    "body": [^@      "for (int ${1:i} = ${2:length} - 1; ${1:i} >= 0 ; ${1:i}--)",^@      "{",^@      "    $0",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "Reverse for loop"^@  },^@  "for loop": {^@    "prefix": "for",^@   "body": [^@      "for (int ${1:i} = 0; ${1:i} < ${2:length}; ${1:i}++)",^@      "{",^@      "    $0",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "for loop"^@  },^@  "if statement": {^@    "prefix": "if",^@    "body": [^@      "if (${1:true})",^@      "{",^@      "    $0",^@      "}"^@    ],^@  "description": "if statement"^@  },^@  "else-if statement": {^@    "prefix": "else if",^@    "body": [^@      "else if (${1:true})",^@      "{",^@      "    $0",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "else-if statement"^@  },^@  "Indexer": {^@    "prefix": "indexer",^@    "body": [^@      "${1:public} ${2:object} this[${3:int} index]",^@      "{",^@      "    get { $4 }",^@      "    set { $0 }",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "Indexer"^@  },^@  "Interface": {^@    "prefix": "interface",^@    "body": [^@      "interface I${1:Name}",^@      "{",^@      "    $0",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "Interface"^@  },^@  "Safely invoking an event": {^@    "prefix": "invoke",^@    "body": [^@      "${1:EventHandler}temp = ${2:MyEvent};",^@      "if (temp != null)",^@      "{",^@      "    temp($0);",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "Safely invoking an event"^@  },^@  "Simple iterator": {^@    "prefix": "iterator",^@    "body": [^@      "public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<${1:ElementType}> GetEnumerator()",^@      "{",^@      "    $0throw new System.NotImplementedException();",^@      "    yield return default(${1:ElementType});",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "Simple iterator"^@  },^@  "Named iterator/indexer pair using a nested class": {^@    "prefix": "iterindex",^@    "body": [^@      "public ${1:Name}Iterator ${1:Name}",^@      "{",^@      "    get",^@      "    {",^@      "        return new ${1:Name}Iterator(this);",^@      "    }",^@      "}",^@      "",^@      "public class ${1:Name}Iterator",^@      "{",^@      "    readonly ${2:ClassName} outer;",^@      "    ",^@      "    internal ${1:Name}Iterator(${2:ClassName} outer)",^@      "    {",^@      "        this.outer = outer;",^@      " }",^@      "    ",^@      "    // TODO: provide an appropriate implementation here",^@      "    public int Length { get { return 1; } }",^@"    ",^@      "    public ${3:ElementType} this[int index]",^@      "    {",^@      "        get",^@      "        {",^@      "            //",^@     "            // TODO: implement indexer here",^@      "            //",^@      "            // you have full access to ${2:ClassName} privates",^@      "            //",^@      "            ${4:throw new System.NotImplementedException();}",^@      "            return default(${3:ElementType});",^@      "        }",^@      "    }",^@      "    ",^@      "    public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<${3:ElementType}> GetEnumerator()",^@      "    {",^@      "        for (int i = 0; i < this.Length; i++)",^@      "        {",^@      "            yield return this[i];",^@  "        }",^@      "    }",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "Named iterator/indexer pair using a nested class"^@  },^@  "Lock statement": {^@    "prefix": "lock",^@    "body": [^@      "lock (${1:this})",^@      "{",^@      "    $0",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "Lock statement"^@  },^@  "MessageBox.Show": {^@    "prefix": "mbox",^@    "body": [^@      "System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(\"${1:Text}\");$0"^@    ],^@    "description": "MessageBox.Show"^@  },^@  "Namespace": {^@    "prefix": "namespace",^@    "body": [^@      "namespace ${1:Name}",^@      "{",^@      "    $0",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "Namespace"^@  },^@  "#if": {^@    "prefix": "ifd",^@    "body": [^@      "#if ${1:true}",^@      "    $0",^@      "#endif"^@    ],^@    "description": "#if"^@  },^@  "#region": {^@    "prefix": "region",^@    "body": [^@      "#region ${1:Name}",^@      "    $0",^@      "#endregion"^@    ],^@    "description": "#region"^@  },^@  "Property and backing field": {^@    "prefix": "propfull",^@    "body": [^@      "private ${1:int} ${2:myVar};",^@      "public ${1:int} ${3:MyProperty}",^@      "{",^@      "    get { return ${2:myVar}; }",^@      "    set { ${2:myVar} = value; }",^@      "}",^@      "$0"^@    ],^@    "description": "Property and backing field"^@  },^@  "propg": {^@    "prefix": "propg",^@    "body": [^@      "public ${1:int} ${2:MyProperty} { get; private set; }$0"^@    ],^@    "description": "An automatically implemented property with a 'get' accessor and a private 'set' accessor. C# 3.0 or higher"^@  },^@  "prop": {^@    "prefix": "prop",^@    "body": [^@      "public ${1:int} ${2:MyProperty} { get; set; }$0"^@    ],^@    "description": "An automatically implemented property. C# 3.0 or higher"^@  },^@  "sim": {^@    "prefix": "sim",^@    "body": [^@      "static int Main(string[] args)",^@      "{",^@      "    $0",^@      "    return0;",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "int Main()"^@  },^@  "Struct": {^@    "prefix": "struct",^@    "body": [^@      "struct ${1:Name}",^@     "{",^@      "    $0",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "Struct"^@  },^@  "svm": {^@    "prefix": "svm",^@    "body": [^@      "static void Main(string[] args)",^@      "{",^@      "    $0",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "void Main()"^@  },^@  "Switch statement": {^@    "prefix": "switch",^@    "body": [^@      "switch (${1:switch_on})",^@      "{",^@      "    $0",^@      "    default:",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "Switch statement"^@  },^@  "Try finally": {^@    "prefix": "tryf",^@    "body": [^@      "try",^@      "{",^@      "    $1",^@      "}",^@      "finally",^@      "{",^@      "    $0",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "Try finally"^@  },^@  "Try catch": {^@    "prefix": "try",^@    "body": [^@      "try",^@      "{",^@      "    $1",^@      "}",^@      "catch (${2:System.Exception})",^@      "{",^@      "    $0",^@      "   throw;",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "Try catch"^@  },^@  "Unchecked block": {^@    "prefix": "unchecked",^@    "body": [^@      "unchecked",^@      "{",^@      "    $0",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "Unchecked block"^@  },^@  "Unsafe statement": {^@    "prefix": "unsafe",^@    "body": [^@      "unsafe",^@      "{",^@      "    $0",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "Unsafe statement"^@  },^@  "Using statement": {^@    "prefix": "using",^@    "body": [^@      "using (${1:resource})",^@      "{",^@      "    $0",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "Using statement"^@  },^@  "While loop": {^@    "prefix": "while",^@    "body": [^@      "while (${1:true})",^@      "{",^@      "    $0",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "While loop"^@  },^@  "constructor": {^@    "prefix": "ctor",^@    "body": [^@      "${1:public} ${2:$TM_FILENAME_BASE}(${3:Parameters})",^@      "{",^@      "    $0",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "constructor"^@  },^@  "xUnit Test": {^@    "prefix": "fact",^@    "body": [^@      "[Fact]",^@      "public void ${1:TestName}()",^@      "{",^@      "//Given",^@      "",^@      "//When",^@      "",^@   "//Then",^@      "}$0"^@    ],^@    "description": "create xunit test method"^@  },^@  "Creates a Method structure": {^@    "prefix": "method",^@    "body": [^@      "${1:public} ${2:void} ${3:MyMethod}(${4:string} ${5:parameter})",^@      "{",^@      "\t$0",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "Creates a Method structure"^@  },^@  "Creates an Async Method structure": {^@    "prefix": "method_async",^@    "body": [^@      "${1:public} async ${2:Task}<${3:object}> ${4:MyMethodAsync}(${5:string} ${6:parameter})",^@      "{",^@      "\t$0",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "Creates an async Method structure"^@  },^@  "cls": {^@    "prefix": "cls",^@    "body": [^@      "${1:public} class ${2:$TM_FILENAME_BASE}",^@   "{",^@      "\t$0",^@      "}"^@    ],^@    "description": "Create new class"^@  }^@}
uga-rosa commented 8 months ago

This may be an issue of unknownutil.

uga-rosa commented 8 months ago
