uglow / conventional-changelog-angular-bitbucket

Angular conventional-changelog preset for BitBucket repositories
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Could not find prompter method in the provided adapter module #11

Closed devaublanc closed 6 years ago

devaublanc commented 6 years ago

I'm using git-cz, standard-version and conventional-changelog-angular-bitbucket. When I generate my changelog with standard version everything works well. But when I try to launch my prompt with git-cz I got this error. Any idea why what's going wrong in my configuration ?


"config": {
    "commitizen": {
      "path": "./node_modules/conventional-changelog-angular-bitbucket"

    throw "Could not find prompter method in the provided adapter module: " + adapterPath;
Could not find prompter method in the provided adapter module: ./node_modules/conventional-changelog-angular-bitbucket
The script called "commit" which runs "git-cz" failed with exit code 1