ugol / pomodoro

Time management for your Mac
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Unable to compile due to osacompile errors #293

Open luismadrigal opened 11 years ago

luismadrigal commented 11 years ago

I having issues compiling the app under OS X 10.7.x with Xcode 4.3.2.

After many attempts and some tinkering and lots of online reading I was able to compile. Here is what I did.

First, I changed all the SDK references from Mac OS X 10.8 to 10.7. (This was the easy part) Next, I came across OSACompiler errors. The compiler complained about 3 files.

I got around those issues in by using parethesis around the problematic identifiers. i.e. line 5 of setStatusToAvailableInMessages.script

set status message to "%@" <--- original set (status, message) to "%@" <--- modified

As far as I can messages and reminders are features only available in OS X 10.8 so when I tried to compile in OS X 10.7 it couldn't find them. However, I am not entirely sure why putting them in parenthesis and separating them by a comma, works.

I hope this helps the next person who try's to build it the project using 10.7.x

So since those files are not needed for 10.7 or below they be loaded conditionally. I haven't browsed the rest of the code, so I have no idea where that would be done. But I would imagine that doing a quick check for the SDK version would allow that to happen. Just a thought.

reicheltd commented 11 years ago

