ugoviti / izpbx

izPBX is a Turnkey Cloud Native Telephony System powered by Asterisk Engine and FreePBX Management GUI
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Lets encrypt certificate #14

Closed alenas closed 3 years ago

alenas commented 3 years ago

I was trying the new izpbx 18.15.2 image on podman on VPS server.

Using lets encrypt certbot, which successfully generate certificates. LETSENCRYPT_ENABLED=true

but then HTTPS does not work, as I get error: ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR

Maybe it would be a good idea to use Let's encrypt certificates generated from FreePBX

example (from fwconsole certificates --generate --type=le --country-code=ca --state=ns fwconsole certificates

and then use the same certificate for httpd as well (by pointing to /data/etc/asterisk/keys/integration) I could make a pull request if you want.

ugoviti commented 3 years ago

Hi Alenas,

thank you for feedback.

right now I use this simple function:

cfgService_letsencrypt() {
  if [ -e "/etc/letsencrypt/live/${APP_FQDN}/privkey.pem" ] ; then
    echo "--> Let's Encrypt certificate already exist... trying to renew"
    certbot renew --standalone
    echo "--> generating HTTPS Let's Encrypt certificate"
    certbot certonly --standalone --expand -n --agree-tos --email ${ROOT_MAILTO} -d ${APP_FQDN}

  # create certbot renew cron and apache restart
  echo '#!/bin/bash
/usr/bin/certbot renew --noninteractive --no-random-sleep-on-renew --deploy-hook "/usr/bin/supervisorctl restart httpd"
exit $?' > /etc/cron.daily/certbot && chmod 755 /etc/cron.daily/certbot

But your suggestion is a better solution, so If you can make a PR would be great.

Thank you

alenas commented 3 years ago

Hi Ugo,

seems like we need to start freepbx (or at least httpd) before we can generate certificates with fwconsole. Where is the best place to plug that script?

alenas commented 3 years ago

ok, I am just starting httpd, generating certificate and then stopping httpd in works. will test a bit more with a new docker image and existing data. problem is that it is pretty hard to test when letsencrypt limits to 5 requests per week for a certificate.