ugurdogrusoz / visuall

Visuall: A tool for convenient construction of a web based visual analysis component
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"View">"Expand All Edges" gives error on "meta" edges #322

Closed canbax closed 3 years ago

canbax commented 3 years ago
  1. Load sample data
  2. Cluster using compounds By the Louvain algorithm
  3. "View">"Collapse All Nodes"
  4. "View">"Expand All Edges"

core.js:6006 ERROR Error: Can not create edge e1630253 with nonexistant source n1 at error (cytoscape.cjs.js:828) at Collection.push.ROFb.elesfn$u.restore (cytoscape.cjs.js:12939) at Core.add (cytoscape.cjs.js:13333) at Object.expandEdge (cytoscape-expand-collapse.js:1501) at cytoscape-expand-collapse.js:1822 at Collection.forEach (cytoscape.cjs.js:11167) at Object.api.expandEdges (cytoscape-expand-collapse.js:1821) at CytoscapeService.expandMultiEdges (cytoscape.service.ts:276) at NavbarComponent.expandAllEdges (navbar.component.ts:176) at NavbarComponent.triggerAct (navbar.component.ts:120)

We should not let expanding "meta" edges just like in this issue