In lots of places, we print logs to the console with console.log or console.error. The user can not see this. Let's just pop out a message. It might be a status message or a pop-up or both.
Make sure all modal dialog titles are simple and uppercased. Examples: "database query execution error" or "Database query execution error" -> "Database Query Execution Error", "Background image" -> "Background Image", "Invalid query!" -> "Invalid Query"
"Load JSON", "Can NOT process JSON string" -> "Load", "Cannot process provided JSON file!", "Database returns erronous result" -> "Database Query"
"Image URL", "Image url is falsy: Error: Network Error" -> "Use Title Poster", "Poster(s) does not exist!" (also do this on the context menu of Title - when trying to shown poster of a single title)
"Graph is empty", "Empty response from database!" -> "Empty Graph", "Empty response from database!"
"Timebar", "rangeMaxDate or rangeMinDate is falsy!" -> "Timebar", "range bounds are incorrect!"
In lots of places, we print logs to the console with
. The user can not see this. Let's just pop out a message. It might be a status message or a pop-up or both.