uhasker / the-python-minibook

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While loop example is confusing #5

Closed Zaphoood closed 1 year ago

Zaphoood commented 1 year ago

In chapter 6, the example used to explain the use case of while loops is poorly chosen. The situation described in the example involves a knapsack, which has a maximum weight of 100 that should not be exceeded; however, when running the code the final weight is 120.

While the example still serves its purpose of explaining what a while loop does, I think the unwanted outcome may be confusing to unexperienced readers. The issue could be fixed by changing the while loop's condition to:

while current_weight + item_weights[index] < maximum_weight:

However, this adds some additional complexity and redundant code, so I'm not sure if this can be an acceptable solution. Another approach would be, of course, to come up with a completely different example of using while loops.