ui-router / react

🔼 UI-Router for React
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Can ui-router/react support React18 new features? #1150

Open Fangfanghao opened 1 year ago

Fangfanghao commented 1 year ago

If we want to support React18 new features ui-router/react, we have to replace ReactDOM.render to createRoot

and replace unmountComponentAtNode with unmount

Do we have a plan to suppport this?

kadamgreene commented 1 year ago

Yes, please. I'm getting errors about missing source maps because of Webpack 5 + React 18.

codecdekamal commented 1 year ago

Yes, I am also getting error because of Webpack 5 + React 18.

pahen commented 1 year ago

Any news on this?

Akshatjalan commented 11 months ago

Currently No now but, For developers:

Stay informed: Keep an eye on the official announcements from the React and ui-router teams regarding updates and compatibility with React 18.

Check documentation: Review the documentation and release notes of ui-router and React 18 to understand any changes required for compatibility.

Be prepared for updates: Once React 18 is officially released, update your dependencies and check for any potential breaking changes in ui-router or other libraries you are using.

andref commented 2 months ago

This issue makes no sense. Ui-router/react does not mount the component tree. You will find no use of ReactDOM.render and unmountComponentAtNode in its codebase. It works just fine with React 18.

chiptus commented 2 months ago

@andref I think they refer to react-hybrid: https://github.com/ui-router/react-hybrid/issues/580