uias / Tabman

™️ A powerful paging view controller with interactive indicator bars
MIT License
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Set the UIView of Bar outside the TabmanViewController #547

Closed billypap1 closed 3 years ago

billypap1 commented 3 years ago

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Issue Description

Hello, I have integrated Tabman in my project successfully. I think this plugin worths more than 1.9k Stars! I have a question about UiView of Bar, Is it possible to set the Bar outside the TabmanViewController? I have a header in main UIViewController and I'd like to set the Bar there. I want to achieve a scrollable fixed header, so it is better to be outside along with header's content. Or if there is some other way to "get" the UIView of Bar, that would be helpful.

msaps commented 3 years ago

@billypap1 thank you 😄🎉

That should certainly be possible - you can in fact add a bar to any custom UIView and specify custom constraints if required...

When adding the bar simply use the .custom() location:

let customContainer = UIView()

override func viewDidLoad() {

    let bar = TMBar.ButtonBar()
    addBar(bar, dataSource: self, at: .custom(view: customContainer, layout: nil))

The layout closure allows you to provide custom set up / constraints if set - otherwise the bar will be constrained at the leading, top, trailing and bottom anchors of the container view.

See Adding a bar for more info.

billypap1 commented 3 years ago

Hello, thanks for your quick response. I add the bar to the custom view but it is hidden. Should i configure something else? I have the set Tabman in a container view, and I want to set the Bar outside the container view, in a custom view in Parent View)

msaps commented 3 years ago

@billypap1 are you doing custom layout when adding the bar? If so make sure translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false is set...

let customContainer = UIView()

override func viewDidLoad() {

    let bar = TMBar.ButtonBar()
    addBar(bar, dataSource: self, at: .custom(view: customContainer, layout: { (bar) in
        bar.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
            bar.leadingAnchor.constrain(equalTo: customContainer.leadingAnchor),
            // more constraints...

Might be useful to check out the view inspector in Xcode as well to see what exactly is happening.