uias / Tabman

™️ A powerful paging view controller with interactive indicator bars
MIT License
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How to add Spacer() between the tabs? #610

Open qweluke opened 1 year ago

qweluke commented 1 year ago

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I'd like to:

  override func viewDidLoad() {

    dataSource = self

    let bar = TMBarView.ButtonBar()

    bar.buttons.customize {
      $0.tintColor = UIColor(Color.theme.accent)
      $0.selectedTintColor = UIColor(Color.theme.accent)
      $0.font = UIFont(name: "ComicSans-Regular", size: 16)!
      $0.selectedFont = UIFont(name: "ComicSans-Regular", size: 16)!


    let systemBar = bar.systemBar();
    systemBar.backgroundStyle = .flat(color: UIColor(Color.red))
    systemBar.separatorColor = .clear

    addBar(systemBar, dataSource: self, at: .top)
akaakoz commented 12 months ago

@qweluke Does adding bar.layout.contentMode = .fit solve your problem?