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Launching with errors blocks on a server-side dialog box #55

Closed maxg closed 12 years ago

maxg commented 12 years ago

Launching (or running tests) when the project has errors blocks while a cancel/proceed dialog displayed on the server.

For tests, in JUnitRestrictedLaunchConfigurationDelegate, we can do:

@Override public boolean finalLaunchCheck(ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {
    return true;

For launching, need to figure out what to subclass in order to do the analogous override.

Alternatively, can disable all "status handlers" by using a non-public preference key, e.g. in Workspace.getWorkspace():

InstanceScope.INSTANCE .getNode(DebugPlugin.getUniqueIdentifier())
.putBoolean(IInternalDebugCoreConstants.PREF_ENABLE_STATUS_HANDLERS, false);

(Imported from Bitbucket #55 reported by maxg on 2011-10-26)

maxg commented 12 years ago

Disabled handlers in 48aed1228783f2e82e9213c4d1c15c695807573e. This changes a persisted preference, so launching Collabode has unfortunate side effects for how the same workspace will behave in Eclipse! (maxg on 2011-11-22)

maxg commented 12 years ago

Tracking the persisted side effects issue in #59. (maxg on 2011-11-22)

maxg commented 12 years ago

One might hope that implementing the org.eclipse.debug.core.statusHandlers extension point with an existing code would work, but the framework implementations appear to load later and take precedence. (maxg on 2011-11-30)