uidotdev / usehooks

A collection of modern, server-safe React hooks – from the ui.dev team
MIT License
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React Native support? #190

Closed seanblonien closed 1 year ago

seanblonien commented 1 year ago

Just curious to know if there are any plans to make this react-native or rather not react-dom dependent one day.

tylermcginnis commented 1 year ago

We're open to it, but currently don't have the bandwidth to do it ourselves.

seanblonien commented 1 year ago

@tylermcginnis apologies for not doing this when I opened up the issue, but I believe this library doesn't explicitly use "react-dom" dependency at all -- look at this search for react-dom in Github search for this repo, and it seems the there is not a single react-dom import, which is a great start

...but there is an implicit dependency on DOM elements, such as window. I mean yes, having the react-dom as a peer dependency does make sense and addresses the required window dependency by indicating these hooks require DOM features, because react-dom does require window, so if you use react-dom, you're guaranteed to have the window available. BUT yea idk, it just seems weird to rely on global objects outside of the specific react-dom package which is never explicitly used, just seems like a confusing communication of it being a peer-dependency

REGARDLESS - I will put my purity concerns aside and talk about where this could go from here

  1. explicitly list which hooks are pure and which require DOM in documentation, and assuming tree shaking is supported, rely on consumers of the library to choose compatible hooks for their specific environment
  2. break out @uidotdev/usehooks into separate packages for pure ("core" maybe) and DOM packages
    • honestly, this doesn't even have to be a breaking API change for the actual package version - you can keep this original package name the same and it represents the DOM, and make one just called @uidotdev/usehooks-core that the DOM package consumes
  3. abstract out global variable/DOM dependency into utility functions, and rely on mocking or dependency injection to "gracefully" handle using a hook with a DOM dependency outside a DOM environment
went ahead and did some leg work for this: Hooks Compatibility
useBattery DOM
useClickAway DOM
useCopyToClipboard DOM
useCounter pure
useDebounce pure
useDefault pure
useDocumentTitle DOM
useFavicon DOM
useGeolocation DOM
useHistoryState pure
useHover DOM
useIdle DOM
useIntersectionObserver DOM
useIsClient DOM
useIsFirstRender pure
useList pure
useLockBodyScroll DOM
useLongPress DOM
useMap pure
useMeasure DOM
useMediaQuery DOM
useMouse DOM
useNetworkState DOM
useObjectState pure
useOrientation DOM
usePreferredLanguage DOM
usePrevious pure
useQueue pure
useRenderCount pure
useRenderInfo Node
useScript DOM
useSet pure
useSpeech DOM
useThrottle pure
useToggle pure
useVisibilityChange DOM
useWindowScroll DOM
useWindowSize DOM

also unsure why useRenderInfo requires node's process global, so just thought i'd mention it here when I was looking at the hooks (I can create another issue for this weird node dependency if this is an actual bug)

unfortunately, I don't have the time commitment to do this myself, and also quite frankly this is such a large thing I'd imagine it's a feature for a core maintainer anyways. so yea, happy to give ideas, but that's about where my commitment stops in moving this forward

tylermcginnis commented 1 year ago

This is really helpful. I'll dive into it soon.

tylermcginnis commented 1 year ago

Going to close this again to keep the issues clean, but will refer back to this once I dive into RN support.