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Some CSS classes/options do exist in UIKit but are missing in the documentation ! #217

Open JeromeDeBoysere opened 4 years ago

JeromeDeBoysere commented 4 years ago

Dear UIKit team,

Can you please check documentation and add all the missing classes? Some of them are available in the UIKit source code but are not in your documentation !

For example, I needed to do this layout : https://nsa40.casimages.com/img/2020/02/26/200226094447618113.jpg

But I didn't know how to do it. Aaron, on Discord, suggested me to use .uk-container-expand-right that you can see here: https://github.com/uikit/uikit/blob/a35434f1545eeef94680f44dd434199f2010423a/src/scss/components/container.scss#L109-L145

But this great classe is not in the documentation! https://getuikit.com/docs/container

Even not on Google (any reference to the UIKit documentation) https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C5CHFA_enBE862BE862&ei=oixWXoSrLYz9kwXvuLqYDg&q=%22uk-container-expand-right%22&oq=%22uk-container-expand-right%22&gs_l=psy-ab.12...2509.3883..4698...0.2..

So can you check your documentation and add the missing classes ? Save us from wasting our time please :)

Thank you!

tyler-x commented 4 years ago

uk-container-expand-right is nice hidden feature~!

Would like to know more hidden features as well~

JeromeDeBoysere commented 4 years ago

Same here with the Upload components (https://getuikit.com/docs/upload)! A lot of options are missing in the documentation, but you can find them here: https://getuikit.com/assets/uikit/tests/upload.html

For exemple:

JeromeDeBoysere commented 4 years ago

I see that you have added some missing options for the Upload component. What about maxSize? What about .uk-container-expand-left, etc ?

ogoregen commented 1 month ago

443 solves this.