uilibrary / Stocky-Issues-and-Feature-request

This is Repo is for Stocky-Ultimate Inventory with Pos support and issues
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Ecommerce storefront #200

Open pablodivino opened 3 years ago

pablodivino commented 3 years ago

Please let me know how to Ecommerce storefront tied to Stocky so customers can but online.

If unavailable, please add that Ecommerce frontend feature to the system.

hamzakifani commented 3 years ago

we will discuss it and if this is reliable and useful for most of the users then we will add it to our queue. if you like our work & support, you can leave a review that will motivate our team toward further development if possible. If you don’t know how to provide ratings & review please visit this link: https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/203269490-Giving-Feedback-On-Items thank you :)