Closed WryanCartie closed 3 years ago
Please follow guide installation in doc . Thanks
I have followed everything in the doc.
I first installed xampp php server and its extension, i then create the database and give the prividlege for the users.
Then, i copy stocky.local hosts file and
<Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/stocky">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
ErrorLog "logs/stocky.local-error.log"
CustomLog "logs/stocky.local-access.log" common
</VirtualHost> this to my httpd-vhosts.conf
After that, i run npm dev and php artisan serve. Then i open at http://stocky.local/setup and followed everything(local, debug false, i checked the db ip and everything) and it still lead me to a 419 error. Can you help me?
If you have a problem with xampp . You can use laragon . Thanks
I have followed everything in the doc. I first installed xampp php server and its extension, i then create the database and give the prividlege for the users. Then, i copy stocky.local hosts file and ServerAdmin webmaster@stocky.local DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/stocky" ServerName www.stocky.local ServerAlias stocky.local
<Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/stocky"> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI AllowOverride All Require all granted </Directory> ErrorLog "logs/stocky.local-error.log" CustomLog "logs/stocky.local-access.log" common </VirtualHost> this to my httpd-vhosts.conf
After that, i run npm dev and php artisan serve. Then i open at http://stocky.local/setup and followed everything(local, debug false, i checked the db ip and everything) and it still lead me to a 419 error. Can you help me?
D'ont run npm dev and php artisan serve.
Oh yes, that was just an error when i copied that to github in text. I see. i might try to switch from xampp if its a xampp specific error.
I just tried rerunning it without npm run dev and it still returns a 419 error. Here is a screenshot of all relevant parts(the hosts file,database,xampp,etc) and a screen recording of me filling the setup form
Please make debug = true , and check console and send us this error . Thanks
*Try clearing your cache and config via
php artisan config:cache php artisan cache:clear
*Try hard refreshing your browser with CTRL + F5
I did the cache clear and config clear, also ctrl f5 but doesnt seem to help. console as in the one i ran the php with? or the web console?
Go to inspect -> Network
You can use laragon
I found this in the console.
Yes i am trying to configure laragon now.
I found this in the console. Yes i am trying to configure laragon now.
I don't see. Stocky.local. Why localhost:8000 ?
Please see this video
Sorry that was the wrong link i entered. It still returns the same error tho with stocky.local I think there is a bit of difference when the name stocky_db is used as the feedback turns to seems okay. The same issue persist tho it seems and the video steps are the same as before
I already done all of the steps in the video
Here is my hosts file
and here is the vhost file in xampp Here is the result
Re-install it and check again . If still issue . then use laragon Thanks
I just reinstalled and am using laragon right now but it returns the same error. I manage to copy the log of the POST request that causes the error and found this { "_initiator": { "type": "other" }, "_priority": "VeryHigh", "_resourceType": "document", "cache": {}, "pageref": "page_11", "request": { "method": "POST", "url": "http://stocky.local/setup/lastStep", "httpVersion": "", "headers": [ { "name": "Host", "value": "stocky.local" }, { "name": "Connection", "value": "keep-alive" }, { "name": "Content-Length", "value": "47" }, { "name": "Cache-Control", "value": "max-age=0" }, { "name": "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests", "value": "1" }, { "name": "Origin", "value": "http://stocky.local" }, { "name": "Content-Type", "value": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }, { "name": "User-Agent", "value": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.107 Safari/537.36" }, { "name": "Accept", "value": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,/;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9" }, { "name": "Referer", "value": "http://stocky.local/setup/step-3" }, { "name": "Accept-Encoding", "value": "gzip, deflate" }, { "name": "Accept-Language", "value": "en,en-US;q=0.9,zh-TW;q=0.8,zh;q=0.7" }, { "name": "Cookie", "value": "stocky_session=eyJpdiI6ImM3ZlJ2OE9zSE9RM0licnBiNHF6MHc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiTFFkZW54WHBDQnJxU0RHbFl0SFJYWHZrYXJiK0RPUnY2ZkdlNGhDNkxsSStJVThnQmd1aTgreW9aR1lYblhxQ2F5M2ZOSyszUUNVaFI4QU5vaXlSM0x5eFU5RVdWWjExTDMwNE5qcjhLSHZLdE5sbnNHZ0owZG55MmhrNmNmOEkiLCJtYWMiOiIyM2NjYWNkMTRlMTZkMTAzYmYyMGQxYTg1YmJhYTIwYjI3ZGI4YTFlYTg5YzJlN2NjZjg0NDEzNjY3ZjZkMGI2In0%3D; XSRF-TOKEN=eyJpdiI6IlRubkErcjRwdm0xYkdOYWY3eU5oUEE9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiTnRTZ0tTR0g2dUhlWFRUQklZT1ptMUZWRnh3eTI5clBPekVEVGticDZ0aEFqaWVlMDErTVlKRWtJY3FiOEtaaVE0cmNrcmc0S2JmNlVGaWxjbFhNS3JtcWNKQnJYbG9EY3Zyc1hRMnVSUGU3SFJqWkcvNGd1c3BGWXlIc2lXaVciLCJtYWMiOiJiYTQ5ZWQ3NjRmMzQ3MjNmMmZlY2QwOGFlZWIxZTg4ZWQyOTlkMDAxZWVmNTgzODhkZTEzODBlZjBlNzA4MmYwIn0%3D; stocky_test_session=eyJpdiI6IjZwUjJuYnlESWdueVZhTzBrR2tpN1E9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiMVcvNEpKTzFEM0xVbkFBQzR4M0hkL1ArV043Y0loRmUvaCt1OHRMM3QvTmZvSHBpVGtOVFlqQno1RmIrRkhRYWJFb3I3OHpDQUVaeHJPbE1aOU1xdWdlcyt2aDVVaE1IbEJmM2RRTUw2cUR6TTEyL1p4emQwMXp2eHRPUHBvYlUiLCJtYWMiOiIwZWU3YWJmM2E4ZmNmNTY5MDgwMTU4ZDNmMjExNTE1NGZiMjExZGM1NDUxZjMzMmEzMzM5YWM3M2QxYTJlOTA5In0%3D" } ], "queryString": [], "cookies": [ { "name": "stocky_session", "value": "eyJpdiI6ImM3ZlJ2OE9zSE9RM0licnBiNHF6MHc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiTFFkZW54WHBDQnJxU0RHbFl0SFJYWHZrYXJiK0RPUnY2ZkdlNGhDNkxsSStJVThnQmd1aTgreW9aR1lYblhxQ2F5M2ZOSyszUUNVaFI4QU5vaXlSM0x5eFU5RVdWWjExTDMwNE5qcjhLSHZLdE5sbnNHZ0owZG55MmhrNmNmOEkiLCJtYWMiOiIyM2NjYWNkMTRlMTZkMTAzYmYyMGQxYTg1YmJhYTIwYjI3ZGI4YTFlYTg5YzJlN2NjZjg0NDEzNjY3ZjZkMGI2In0%3D", "path": "/", "domain": "stocky.local", "expires": "2021-07-28T16:34:59.128Z", "httpOnly": true, "secure": false, "sameSite": "Lax" }, { "name": "XSRF-TOKEN", "value": "eyJpdiI6IlRubkErcjRwdm0xYkdOYWY3eU5oUEE9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiTnRTZ0tTR0g2dUhlWFRUQklZT1ptMUZWRnh3eTI5clBPekVEVGticDZ0aEFqaWVlMDErTVlKRWtJY3FiOEtaaVE0cmNrcmc0S2JmNlVGaWxjbFhNS3JtcWNKQnJYbG9EY3Zyc1hRMnVSUGU3SFJqWkcvNGd1c3BGWXlIc2lXaVciLCJtYWMiOiJiYTQ5ZWQ3NjRmMzQ3MjNmMmZlY2QwOGFlZWIxZTg4ZWQyOTlkMDAxZWVmNTgzODhkZTEzODBlZjBlNzA4MmYwIn0%3D", "path": "/", "domain": "stocky.local", "expires": "2021-07-28T16:36:22.860Z", "httpOnly": false, "secure": false, "sameSite": "Lax" }, { "name": "stocky_test_session", "value": "eyJpdiI6IjZwUjJuYnlESWdueVZhTzBrR2tpN1E9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiMVcvNEpKTzFEM0xVbkFBQzR4M0hkL1ArV043Y0loRmUvaCt1OHRMM3QvTmZvSHBpVGtOVFlqQno1RmIrRkhRYWJFb3I3OHpDQUVaeHJPbE1aOU1xdWdlcyt2aDVVaE1IbEJmM2RRTUw2cUR6TTEyL1p4emQwMXp2eHRPUHBvYlUiLCJtYWMiOiIwZWU3YWJmM2E4ZmNmNTY5MDgwMTU4ZDNmMjExNTE1NGZiMjExZGM1NDUxZjMzMmEzMzM5YWM3M2QxYTJlOTA5In0%3D", "path": "/", "domain": "stocky.local", "expires": "2021-07-28T16:36:22.861Z", "httpOnly": true, "secure": false, "sameSite": "Lax" } ], "headersSize": -1, "bodySize": 47, "postData": { "mimeType": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "text": "_token=4LTp9TWsMdT58uuTrmEhyrHxtheIowXeUz1Gmvb7", "params": [ { "name": "_token", "value": "4LTp9TWsMdT58uuTrmEhyrHxtheIowXeUz1Gmvb7" } ] } }, "response": { "status": 0, "statusText": "", "httpVersion": "", "headers": [], "cookies": [], "content": { "size": 0, "mimeType": "x-unknown" }, "redirectURL": "", "headersSize": -1, "bodySize": -1, "_transferSize": 0, "_error": "net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET" }, "serverIPAddress": "", "startedDateTime": "2021-07-28T14:36:23.808Z", "time": 708.3039999999983, "timings": { "blocked": 708.3039999999983, "dns": -1, "ssl": -1, "connect": -1, "send": 0, "wait": 0, "receive": 0, "_blocked_queueing": -1 } } ] } } console.txt Here is network log file, it seems the problem lies in the POST request to stocky.local/setup/lastStep part
Please contact me on
Okay i just accepted your invitation
Issue fixed .
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Greetings, I recently purchased this application and has begun setuping it. I followed all the steps in the documentation( I checked whether all of my php extensions are installed, create db, etc) Then i run npm watch and php artisan serve to start the application. Strangely after connecting to the lastStep it returns a 419 error.
(P.S will provide file if asked, i just dont know which one is relevant to this)