uilibrary / arctic-admin

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Make sidebar/minimenu on layout 3 working #4

Open muhammadcahya opened 3 years ago

muhammadcahya commented 3 years ago

On this layout, can you provide mini menu on left have functionality, for example dashboard icon click, and then main menu change to dashboard group, when i click apps, main menu change to apps group Untitled-1

I have suggest about submenu, can the sub menu have more condensed height, so the main menu and submenu have a differentiation Untitled-2

I hope this can implement for all version, but my concern now is for vue/vuetify version


naime-hossain commented 3 years ago

as this is not in our product design or list . you need to hire one of our dev to do this custom work. Fill up this form https://forms.gle/y3LVFvxfcqiAgGBw8 Thanks

muhammadcahya commented 3 years ago

What do you mean it's not in yout product design list and need to hire your dev again ? As this theme describe on your theme description


You say "always ready to help" in this issue I need your help to make mini sidebar can working with main menu

In next word you say "we can also report bug and submit feature request" here, my request only make submenu more condensed than main menu, and the conclusion of all my question is to "hire one of your dev to do this custom work" ?

I have 6 months support from ui-lib, i have question, what scope does this "support" mean???

With that answer ? oh thank you

*please, I want to make good relations with your dev, not with an answer like this

naime-hossain commented 3 years ago

check this page and read carefully https://themeforest.net/item/arctic-admin-dashboard-template/29284526/support yes we are always ready to help on exisiting features or bug fixing but not for any custom work, we got your feature request if we decide to add it (depends on how many users want it )on our theme then you need to wait untill we implement it . thanks

muhammadcahya commented 3 years ago

Sir, sir with all my respect, maybe I'm wrong, for you to know, I have read this (https://themeforest.net/item/arctic-admin-dashboard-template/29284526/support) before

regarding the height of the submenu, my hope is you can helped css/scss/config setting section to change to like that. if indeed (only for) this is a request feature, you can explain it well. when you wait to"how many users want it", what do you expect if your first answer is "this is not in our product design or list . you need to hire one of our dev to do this custom work"

my first question in this issue is "to provide mini menu on left have functionality", do you think this is custom work? no change design/layout/anything, because I think it's the normal functionality (click mini menu, and main menu changed)

I think my question is related on this (selected) image

On items support policy image

"to ensure the item works as described", on your theme not described about functionality for this mini menu, without description, may I have my own description, even though it's different from yours

on mini menu, when i click apps, or pages for example, my definition is this change the main menu to main menu for apps or apps, so my conclusion this functionality is not work but you can answer no, this is what I'm expected, what standard says it should be this way, it should be like that, is that from your definition alone?

still on vue version image I cannot click notification, search, or profile, not show anything, but you can say, no this is what i expected.

what definition of custom work, or normal functionality ? even if you don't write a description as to what it should be


naime-hossain commented 3 years ago

mini sidebar not for change menu item, these are for quick links. we will add some links in next updates. these notification are disabled intentionally as mini sidebar bottom part we added these notification . thanks

naime-hossain commented 3 years ago

We will this type of functionality if we will get more request from users but for now we dont think we will add this like main menu change on click of mini sidebar item instead these are for quick links . we are answering your technical questions too :) by the way we will add some dropdown or drawer for top notification icons in next update . thanks