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Onboarding checklist: Workshop evaluation form #70

Open naoe-tatara opened 4 years ago

naoe-tatara commented 4 years ago

The last item in debriefing is "One week after the workshop, the local coordinator will send out a workshop evaluation form to all participants. A summary of all feedback is provided after each term in the form of a presentation or a written report by the coordinator. Ask the local coordinator for the feedback for your workshop at any time."

Is it a UiO evaluation form or Carpentries post-workshop survey?

If it is Carpentries post-workshop survey, a link to the survey results will be shared by Carpentries team to the instructor directly, so probably it should be revised.

arockenberger commented 4 years ago

It is - or better: it was - a UiO-form (Nettskjema). We have not used it for the workshops in spring, it was supposed to be revised by the Board or a special task force, but it never happened. I think this should be put as a task for the Board: review the Nettskjema. I don't want to send out too many surveys to participants, it's annoying if you have to fill out a lot and chances are high that only a few will do it.

vivigirardin commented 4 years ago

Why one week after the workshop? Wouldn't be better if the form was sent max 3 days after the workshop? Then the event is still fresh in the participants memory. What do you think?

arockenberger commented 4 years ago

The reason is that the survey asks for how/if people have had the chance to use what they have learned in their day-to-day work. If we ask this too early, the answer is likely to be no. A week is still a fairly short time to implement something newly learned, but given that people will have forgotten about the other aspects of the workshop, one week seemed to be a good compromise. However, the entire post-workshop survey is under revision, so we can discuss how to handle this in the future.


arockenberger commented 3 years ago

We should take this up again for discussion with the Board and the library. In 2020, we’ve been using the Carpentries post-workshop survey bit not the Nettskjema one to not create feedback-fatigue. The response rate for the surveys is generally low. Is there anything we - the UiO- Carpentry community- wants/needs to know in regards to learner feedback that the Carpentries survey doesn’t cover?

arockenberger commented 3 years ago

Closed Issue #33 - Once Onboarding checklist is updated, this Issue should be closed, too.

arockenberger commented 3 years ago

Merge with #96