uiowaSEP2024 / 001_DisAv

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Test: web add new book #155

Closed saanbe16 closed 1 month ago

saanbe16 commented 2 months ago

Test Plan: Adding a New Book to Reading List

Test Scenarios

  1. Valid Book Entry

    • Description: Submitting a valid book entry with all required fields filled.
    • Steps:
      1. Navigate to the page for adding a new book.
      2. Enter valid details such as title, author, genre, etc.
      3. Click the "Add Book" button.
    • Expected Result: The book is successfully added to the reading list, and a confirmation message is displayed.
  2. Missing Required Fields

    • Description: Submitting a book entry with missing required fields.
    • Steps:
      1. Navigate to the page for adding a new book.
      2. Leave one or more required fields blank.
      3. Click the "Add Book" button.
    • Expected Result: Validation error messages are displayed for the missing fields, and the book is not added to the reading list.
  3. Invalid Input

    • Description: Submitting a book entry with invalid input in one or more fields.
    • Steps:
      1. Navigate to the page for adding a new book.
      2. Enter invalid input in one or more fields (e.g., invalid characters in the title).
      3. Click the "Add Book" button.
    • Expected Result: Validation error messages are displayed for the invalid fields, and the book is not added to the reading list.
  4. Duplicate Book Entry

    • Description: Attempting to add a book that already exists in the reading list.
    • Steps:
      1. Navigate to the page for adding a new book.
      2. Enter details for a book that already exists in the reading list.
      3. Click the "Add Book" button.
    • Expected Result: A warning message is displayed indicating that the book already exists in the reading list, and the book is not added again.
  5. Database Update

    • Description: Verify that the database is updated with the new book entry.
    • Steps:
      1. Navigate to the page for adding a new book.
      2. Enter valid details for a new book and submit.
      3. Check the database to confirm the addition of the new book entry.
    • Expected Result: The database contains the new book entry with the correct details.
  6. Responsiveness

    • Description: Test the functionality on different devices and screen sizes.
    • Steps:
      1. Access the page for adding a new book from various devices (e.g., desktop, tablet, mobile).
      2. Verify that the interface is responsive and functional on each device.
    • Expected Result: The functionality to add a new book works smoothly across different devices and screen sizes.
  7. Error Handling

    • Description: Verify proper error handling for unexpected scenarios.
    • Steps:
      1. Introduce errors such as server downtime or network issues during book addition.
      2. Attempt to add a book under these conditions.
    • Expected Result: The system gracefully handles errors and provides appropriate error messages or fallback mechanisms.


saanbe16 commented 2 months ago

working on this