uiowaSEP2024 / 001_DisAv

Distraction Avoider
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Test: web self reporting #192

Open saanbe16 opened 2 months ago

saanbe16 commented 2 months ago

Test Plan: Testing Self-Reporting Feature on Web Platform

Test Scenarios

  1. UI Elements Verification

    • Description: Verify the presence and functionality of UI elements for self-reporting.
    • Steps:
      1. Navigate to the designated section for self-reporting on the web platform.
      2. Check for the presence of input fields or options to report increased confidence, clarity, and concentration.
    • Expected Result: UI elements for self-reporting are present and functional.
  2. Input Validation

    • Description: Validate the input fields to ensure accurate data entry.
    • Steps:
      1. Attempt to submit the self-report form with invalid or incomplete data.
      2. Verify that appropriate error messages are displayed for invalid inputs.
    • Expected Result: Invalid inputs are detected and appropriate error messages are displayed.
  3. Self-Reporting Functionality

    • Description: Test the functionality of self-reporting, including data submission and storage.
    • Steps:
      1. Enter valid self-reported experiences (e.g., increased confidence, clarity, concentration).
      2. Submit the self-report form and verify that the data is stored securely.
    • Expected Result: Self-reported experiences are successfully submitted and securely stored.
  4. Data Visualization

    • Description: Verify the display of self-reported data through visualization or tracking features.
    • Steps:
      1. Review the visualization or tracking features to display trends in self-reported experiences over time.
      2. Verify that the data visualization accurately reflects the self-reported experiences.
    • Expected Result: Trends in self-reported experiences are accurately displayed through visualization features.
  5. Cross-Browser Testing

    • Description: Test the self-reporting feature across different web browsers.
    • Steps:
      1. Access the self-reporting feature using various web browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari).
      2. Verify consistent functionality and appearance across different browsers.
    • Expected Result: Self-reporting feature works consistently across different web browsers.
