uiowaSEP2024 / 001_DisAv

Distraction Avoider
Apache License 2.0
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Test: mobile correct audio playback #207

Open saanbe16 opened 1 month ago

saanbe16 commented 1 month ago

Test Plan:

  1. Test Scenario: Audio Playback Resumption

    • Steps:
      1. Start audio playback in the Break screen.
      2. Navigate away from the screen (e.g., switch to another app or lock the device).
      3. Return to the Break screen and check if audio playback resumes from where it left off.
    • Expected Result: Audio playback resumes seamlessly upon returning to the Break screen.
  2. Test Scenario: Handling Incoming Calls

    • Steps:
      1. Initiate audio playback in the Break screen.
      2. Receive an incoming call while audio is playing.
      3. Check if audio playback pauses automatically and resumes after the call ends.
    • Expected Result: Audio playback pauses and resumes correctly during incoming calls.
  3. Test Scenario: Background App Behavior

    • Steps:
      1. Start audio playback in the Break screen.
      2. Background the app (e.g., by pressing the home button).
      3. Verify that audio playback continues uninterrupted while the app is in the background.
    • Expected Result: Audio playback continues seamlessly when the app is backgrounded.