uiowaSEP2024 / 001_DisAv

Distraction Avoider
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Test: Update of Frozen Browsing After Finishing Reading Task #213

Closed saanbe16 closed 1 month ago

saanbe16 commented 1 month ago

Test Update of Frozen Browsing After Finishing Reading Task

Test Plan:

  1. Test Scenario: Reading Task Completion

    • Steps:
      1. Start a reading task on the web platform.
      2. Verify that the frozen browsing status is active before completing the task.
      3. Complete the reading task.
    • Expected Result: Upon completion of the reading task, the frozen browsing status should be updated.
  2. Test Scenario: Real-time Synchronization

    • Steps:
      1. Open multiple browser sessions or devices with the same user account.
      2. Start a reading task in one session/device and observe the frozen browsing status.
      3. Complete the reading task in another session/device.
    • Expected Result: The frozen browsing status should be updated in real-time across all sessions/devices.
  3. Test Scenario: Browsing Restriction Application

    • Steps:
      1. Verify that the frozen browsing status is active before completing a reading task.
      2. Complete the reading task and check if the browsing restriction is lifted.
      3. Attempt to access restricted websites/pages after completing the task.
    • Expected Result: After finishing the reading task, the browsing restriction should be lifted, allowing access to previously restricted content.
  4. Test Scenario: Error Handling

    • Steps:
      1. Introduce errors in the process of updating the frozen browsing status (e.g., network issues, database errors).
      2. Complete a reading task and observe the behavior when errors occur.
    • Expected Result: The system should handle errors gracefully and provide appropriate feedback to the user.

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