uiowaSEP2024 / 001_DisAv

Distraction Avoider
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Test: web blacklist sites #225

Closed saanbe16 closed 3 weeks ago

saanbe16 commented 3 weeks ago

Test Website Blacklisting Feature

Test Plan:

  1. Test Scenario: Add Website to Blacklist

    • Steps:
      1. Access the web dashboard.
      2. Use the UI component to add a website to the blacklist.
      3. Verify that the website is successfully added to the blacklist.
    • Expected Result: The specified website is added to the blacklist without errors.
  2. Test Scenario: Retrieve Blacklisted Websites

    • Steps:
      1. Access the database or backend API to retrieve the list of blacklisted websites.
      2. Verify that the retrieved list includes the websites previously added to the blacklist.
    • Expected Result: The retrieved list matches the websites that were blacklisted.
  3. Test Scenario: Integration with Extension

    • Steps:
      1. Ensure that the blacklisted websites data is accessible from the extension.
      2. Verify that the extension can access and utilize the blacklisted websites data.
    • Expected Result: The extension successfully integrates with the blacklisted websites data for tracking purposes.
  4. Test Scenario: Error Handling

    • Steps:
      1. Introduce errors in adding or retrieving blacklisted websites (e.g., invalid input, database errors).
      2. Verify how the system responds to these errors.
    • Expected Result: Errors are handled gracefully, and appropriate feedback is provided to the user.

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