uiowaSEP2024 / 001_DisAv

Distraction Avoider
Apache License 2.0
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Dashboard elements #226

Closed aezouhri closed 3 weeks ago

aezouhri commented 3 weeks ago

<!Pull Request Template>


<!Please provide a summary of the changes you have made. Include any relevant motivation and context. Mention any dependencies that are required for this change.> Added some of the user information to the dashboard. User can now update their password as well as their first and last name. Additional fields to update can easily be added alter on.


The UserInfo.js code is decently tested. The branch % is relatively low with 69.75%, need to look some more into it in a different issue.

UI Changes

Probably need to reorganize the display of elements on the dashboard. Need some UI tips. image image


<!Mention any issues or bugs this PR addresses or fixes. Link any related issues.>

Additional Notes

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