uiowaSEP2024 / 001_DisAv

Distraction Avoider
Apache License 2.0
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Bens branch #56

Closed bdesollar closed 3 months ago

bdesollar commented 3 months ago

<!Pull Request Template>


This pull request introduces comprehensive testing for the mobile application using Jest within the Expo framework. We've addressed and fixed several bugs related to testing, ensuring a smoother development process and higher code quality. Additionally, we've provided instructions for installing and running the Expo app, facilitating easier onboarding for new developers.


UI Changes

No UI changes were made in this pull request. All changes are related to testing and internal code improvements.


Additional Notes

To run the tests so the following:

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Navigate to the mobile directory: cd Mobile.
  3. Install dependencies: yarn install.
  4. Run the tests: yarn test

This setup ensures that any developer can easily start working on the app with a focus on testing and quality assurance from the outset.

saanbe16 commented 3 months ago

@bdesollar These changes look good. Please update the conversation to link to the related issues you did. you can do that by typing "#" it should show up there. Based on what i see it seems like you are just doing test setup so you should link #21. Correct me if I'm wrong but i don't think you actually finished the functionality for the log in and sign up nor their tests for this sprint so dont link those issus. If you are doing a feature that does not have an existing issue please make a new one for it and link it similarly

@bdesollar You can easily find issues in our current sprint here (make sure to close them once they are completed)

bdesollar commented 3 months ago

@bdesollar These changes look good. Please update the conversation to link to the related issues you did. you can do that by typing "#" it should show up there. Based on what i see it seems like you are just doing test setup so you should link #21. Correct me if I'm wrong but i don't think you actually finished the functionality for the log in and sign up nor their tests for this sprint so dont link those issus. If you are doing a feature that does not have an existing issue please make a new one for it and link it similarly

@bdesollar You can easily find issues in our current sprint here (make sure to close them once they are completed)

@saanbe16 I saw them but didnt see any that I could close. I will make new issues for the tests.