uit-inf-3203 / Course

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Questions for Thursday's presentation #26

Closed fjukstad closed 9 years ago

fjukstad commented 9 years ago

Hi @uit-inf-3203/students

Here are the questions for Thursday's presentation

  1. The author mentioned that instead of doing manual power measurement for a large-scale system, a model will be much more practical (and cheaper). However the authors didn't point out whether such “complete” models exist. What do you think of it? How easy/hard it is to make a complete model out of a large-scale system? Richard Karlsen
  2. Asymmetrical multi-core processors (when some cores are smaller than others, thus having a much lower static and dynamic power) is now in production state (e.g., ARM little.big core). Do you think it will help in terms of energy efficiency? Andreas Kittilsland
  3. The authors mentioned that kernels, drivers, and programs have to be implemented efficiently by avoiding wait loops and “active" polling. When you developing a driver, for example, what kind of techniques you think will be the best for replacing them? Kenneth Knudsen
  4. Using virtualization can reduce the energy efficiency. However, to achieve the same performance-level — for example combining a database server and a web server in one system, while maintaining the same performance-level as two separate systems — a powerful virtualization host system is required. More powerful means power hungry as well, and may offset the energy savings. What do you think is the best strategy to implement virtualization? Jonas Lintvedt
  5. The paper contains vast information about techniques that are useful for developing energy efficient large-scale systems. Obviously, implementing all of them is impossible. Now, if you have a large-scale system, what are the top 3 techniques that you think will bring most benefits for your system's energy efficiency? Why? Kassaye Yigzaw
