uit-inf-3203 / Course

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Questions for the Dynamo presentation on Monday #28

Closed fjukstad closed 9 years ago

fjukstad commented 9 years ago

Hi @uit-inf-3203/students ,

Here are the questions for the presentation on Monday:

  1. Dynamo focuses particularily much on being always writeable, they even push conflict resolution to read operations. Why do you think that is? Eirik Iversen Mortensen
  2. Can you elaborate on why it is that Dynamo uses the 99.9th percentile instead of just average? Ida Charlotte Rønningen
  3. The measurements in the paper were done on a live system running a couple hunderd nodes. What challanges do you think they would face if they were to try scaling the system by, an order of magnitude or even more. Morten Grønnesby
  4. Dynamo was not able to meet the SLA requirements of some applications with regard to latency. The paper mentions that one solution would be to set W to 1, this would obviously affect consistency and durability. During peak loads, how do you think this would affect read operations? Why? Adrian Arne Skogvold
  5. Dynamo is said to scale incrementally, what might happen if multiple nodes fails sumultaneously, or if an administrator tries joining or leaving multiple nodes simultaneously? Ruben Andre Mæland
