uiwjs / react-md-editor

A simple markdown editor with preview, implemented with React.js and TypeScript.
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Issue with comments using rehype-sanitize on top of react-md-editor #593

Closed RARgames closed 7 months ago

RARgames commented 8 months ago

I'm just using rehype-sanitize (with default schema, no other rehype/remark plugins for this tests). Pure rehype-sanitize works correctly, but when it's applied on top of react-md-editor it has an issue with comments.

I cannot track down what is causing the issue, but here is the example:


<!-- test --> 123

<!-- test --> 456 <!-- test -->

output github/pure rehype-sanitize (Sandbox: https://stackblitz.com/edit/github-ozn1qm?file=src%2Fmain.ts ): 123 456 output using rehype-sanitize on top of react-md-editor: empty

From debugging using visit somehow <!-- test --> 456 <!-- test --> is treated as one object of type raw instead of 3 separate objects: <!-- test -->, 456, <!-- test -->.

My example (just the important parts):

const rehypePlugins = [


You can also test it in your demo:


jaywcjlove commented 8 months ago



@RARgames Some plugins are built in by default, which may be caused by them.

You can use pluginsFilter to clear out the default plugins, or put rehype-sanitize at the front of the array and give it a try.

RARgames commented 8 months ago

@jaywcjlove I just finished testing it. Plugins seem not to change affect this. (using filters I removed all plugins and the issue still exists)

Extended test (customized version of react-markdown-preview without extra plugins and updated dependencies): I removed rehype, remark plugins from react-markdown-preview. Also I updated react-markdown. Final dependencies:

  "dependencies": {
    "@babel/runtime": "^7.17.2",
    "@uiw/copy-to-clipboard": "~1.0.12",
    "react-markdown": "~9.0.1",
    "unist-util-visit": "^4.1.0"

Unfortunately, this doesn't fix the issue:

Do you have any other ideas of what might be causing it?

jaywcjlove commented 7 months ago


@RARgames You may need to look for answers in the issues of rehype-sanitize and react-markdown. The above example tells me that the problem does not occur on our side.

jaywcjlove commented 7 months ago

@RARgames If you solve it, you can tell us and I will update it in the document, thank you🙏

RARgames commented 7 months ago

This is the example that works: https://codesandbox.io/s/vigilant-williams-glfmzy?fontsize=14&hidenavigation=1&theme=dark

import Markdown from "react-markdown";
import rehypeSanitize from "rehype-sanitize";
import rehypeRaw from "rehype-raw";

const source = `
## MarkdownPreview

**Hello world!!!** <IFRAME SRC=\"javascript:javascript:alert(window.origin);\"></IFRAME>

<!-- test --> 123

<!-- test --> 456 <!-- test -->

const rehypePlugins = [rehypeRaw, rehypeSanitize];

export default function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <Markdown rehypePlugins={rehypePlugins}>{source}</Markdown>
RARgames commented 7 months ago

Outdated - left here just for history

~~However using rehypeRaw in this place breaks code blocks - there is an error. The error can be fixed by additionally using:~~

const remarkPlugins = [remarkParse, [remarkRehype, { allowDangerousHtml: true }]];

There is no error, but code blocks does not show correctly. To fix this we need the order of rehype/remark plugins (not sure).

RARgames commented 7 months ago

Here is the final fix:

I can prepare a PR, but this requires a bit more knowledge (I did this while testing and it seems to work fine).

RARgames commented 7 months ago

Created a PR. The points from the previous comment are valid. I'll prepare and post custom schema later.

RARgames commented 7 months ago

highlight line and Show Line Numbers does not work because of the rehypeRaw. Probably, it's again the order of rehype, remark plugins. I'm trying to fix this right now, but without success.

jaywcjlove commented 7 months ago

@RARgames This may require rehype-prism-plus to upgrade dependency packages

RARgames commented 7 months ago

@jaywcjlove I already checked it - updating dependencies does not help.

However, I've managed to create a fix in the test env. I'll try to implement it in react-markdown-preview and submit another PR. I'll let you know here when it's ready (Also please bump react-markdown-preview in react-md-editor after the PR).

jaywcjlove commented 7 months ago

@RARgames 👌

RARgames commented 7 months ago

@jaywcjlove PR created.

jaywcjlove commented 7 months ago

@RARgames Upgrade v4.0.0