ujphys / 4lMET_Ana

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Add baseline lepton cuts #39

Open rsamconn opened 1 week ago

rsamconn commented 1 week ago

Baseline lepton cuts from High Mass Analysis support note, Table 1: https://cds.cern.ch/record/2653360/files/ATL-COM-PHYS-2019-005.pdf

High mass (HM): Electrons

Low mass: Electrons - NONE Muons - same as HM

ZX: Same as HM

Additional Scalar (AS): Same as HM

rsamconn commented 6 days ago

For each generation (Higgs, then ZdZd, then 4l) the structure is:

  1. Identify the particle (with PdgID)
  2. Check it decays
  3. Save the decay vertex
  4. Check it decays to the right amount of particles
  5. Save the children
  6. Repeat for the children
rsamconn commented 4 days ago

Structure for analysis code:

  1. Identify HIggs
  2. Identify Zd
  3. Identify leptons
  4. Save Higgs and Zd variables