ujtcelvn / Ending_Extension_Mod

A fork of Historical Project Mod 0.4.6, a mod for Victoria 2 - Heart of Darkness 3.04
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Leftover German/Italian Formation Issues #157

Open Xylephony opened 8 months ago

Xylephony commented 8 months ago

Continuing from #118 just for some of the remaining formation issues.

Regarding the First War of Italian Independence, Austria is I think losing just a little too much. They usually do put down Hungary, but in about 3/5 of games they are losing either Lombardy or Venice, and sometimes both. In the last two tests with the fixed economy, they lost both and Sardinia-Piedmont also forced them to release Friuli both times. I've never seen the war actually go on long enough for Austria to call in allies - it's possible Austria is getting heavily occupied but doesn't think it's lost enough national provinces to each individual combatant to call allies? Not sure exactly how the check for that works per combatant, but at any rate I think the conditions to call support in should be made a little bit more lax, because they're always peacing out before they get to that point. Also Austria often falls to rebels immediately following the series of wars, so if you haven't I recommend implementing my earlier suggestion where each of the wars that Austria wins reduces their war exhaustion and militancy slightly.

Regarding Germany, the last problem there seems to be Schleswig-Holstein. Usually Denmark is sphered by - and allied with - Britain before the First Schleswig War starts. Denmark usually wins the first war absolutely with nobody coming to Schleswig's aid, or Schleswig wins the first war but Prussia doesn't sphere it in time to defend it and this leads to Denmark annexing Schleswig and Holstein popping out as independent. Prussia then goes on to beat Austria for hegemony and sphere all the North German states, but since Holstein doesn't have Schleswig it gets stuck here, unwilling to fight a British-supported Denmark for Schleswig and usually waiting until the 1870s, or Crown from the Gutter, in order to finally unite.

Nothing about this is wrong, and it should be possible for it to happen, but I recommend moving forward with #103 to help reduce the chance that Prussia keeps getting stuck in this particular situation. Those negotiations would only have a chance to take place, only have a chance for the other side to accept, and only have a chance to come to an agreeable conclusion anyhow, so there will be plenty of failure points still in the system that can keep Prussia stuck for longer before it can unite, but this will give a path forward in the event that Denmark is strong and protected by Britain, as well as finally making it possible for France and Germany to coexist on friendly terms.

ujtcelvn commented 8 months ago

I've never seen the war actually go on long enough for Austria to call in allies

Ah you might have misunderstood me when I said they'll call allies - I meant only they'll only call them at the beginning of the war, like for the Hungarian revolution. Now AI Austria will actually call allies when they start losing against the Italians.


Yeah I see this pretty often too, but with S-H winning the 1st war but Prussia not sphering them quickly enough so they lose the 2nd war.

Xylephony commented 3 months ago

@ujtcelvn I've been running a lot of games as various uncivs for my tests lately, both to impact the world market less and to check for unnoticed bugs with them. But it also means I'm not involved in Europe and can get a more objective view of how the simulation is playing out there, and it's making it even more obvious that Germany almost never forms now. Even with the relations reduction and Opposed influence in Denmark added by the P&E patch, most of the time Britain spheres Denmark by the time of the First Schleswig War which stops Prussia from ever intervening against the Danes. That leads to Prussia getting stuck, and in about 3 out of 6 of my recent tests they fell to rebels enough to become a democracy, then fell to pan-nationalists and formed a rump NGF which sat there without doing anything until they got Crown from the Gutter. A lot of the time, neither the rump NGF or the rump Germany fully integrated all German lands. There were even two particularly bad tests, one where the NGF didn't form until the 1890s (Germany never formed) and one where the NGF didn't even form, Prussia was still around in the 1920s. In not one of my tests did Prussia ever win either Schleswig war. As usual, all this should be possible, but it shouldn't be the norm.

It might not be a bad idea to reduce Britain's relations with Denmark further, to -75 instead of -25, to reduce the chances Britain spheres them in time to stop Prussian intervention in Holstein. I'd also say that it's even more critical now to prioritize the negotiation options, because Germany remains very important for the world market and I'd like to rule it not being united out as a possible source of instability.

ujtcelvn commented 3 months ago

Even with -75 starting relations the British AI is still pumping influence into Denmark like crazy. It's probably because the UK starts with £2.0k investment in Denmark for some reason.

Xylephony commented 3 months ago

What in the world? I have no clue why that'd be. Can the investment be removed? I don't even know where to look for that in the files.

ujtcelvn commented 3 months ago

Yep, foreign investment is in history/countries/ so I can remove it. Looks like it was already there in vanilla.

Xylephony commented 3 months ago

Who knows why, might've been precisely for what we're seeing here, so Britain sphered Denmark. Though I don't know why they would want that behavior, frankly. Maybe because Britain historically supported Denmark during the FSW, though certainly not to the extent that sphering ingame allows them to.

ujtcelvn commented 3 months ago

This hopefully should do it. Influence in Denmark is contested by multiple countries now.

Reduce ENG - DEN starting relations from -25 to -50. Remove ENG's starting investment of 2000 in DEN ENG starts with level 1 (opposed) instead of level 2 (neutral) influence in DEN. Properly removed USA's setup of 150 relation with DEN

Xylephony commented 3 months ago

Did the P&E patch's non-duplication fix on the 150 relations not work properly? Denmark's setup file was broken until I caught it a few days ago so I never saw if there was a problem.

ujtcelvn commented 3 months ago

The history and oob files are fine, I just missed that you deleted the line where USA gets 150 relations with Denmark in decisions/Setup.txt when I was merging it over.

Xylephony commented 3 months ago

Oh got it.