uk-tre / community-management

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Create Consensus, Review and Objection process document #70

Closed harisood closed 6 months ago

harisood commented 9 months ago


We should have document outlining how we approach consensus, formal review and how to raise objections with decisions made by the CMWG or SG.



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Davsarper commented 9 months ago
Davsarper commented 9 months ago

An alternative process would be that after trying for general consensus, if there is consensus and/or scalation it then comes to a voting process.

harisood commented 9 months ago

I agree with Jim on not being too proscriptive about the steps for making the decision. Maybe we could say "the steering group will make a final decision on the WG taking into account all feedback, and will provide clear reasons for the decision"?

@manics hopefully this doc answers this q you had from the WG PR?

harisood commented 9 months ago

Initial diagram


manics commented 9 months ago

In last weeks meeting we talked about the idea of a a review panel formed of (randomly) chosen community members as the final step in the event of unresolvable disagreements.

If we believe a community panel is likely to be better/fairer than a SG then we could make that panel the primary decision maker on WGs instead of the SG, and change the role of the SG to organising the panel, and providing advice/guidance?

harisood commented 9 months ago

I advocate v strongly for this as a principle, the question being practically whether we do that now or try to introduce it later (having a defined SG with defined ppl rn may make things quicker to set up)

Davsarper commented 6 months ago


Standing discussion: wg ouputs endorsement, left out