ukaea / PROCESS

PROCESS is a systems code at UKAEA that calculates in a self-consistent manner the parameters of a fusion power plant with a specified performance, ensuring that its operating limits are not violated, and with the option to optimise to a given function of these parameters.
MIT License
36 stars 11 forks source link

WIP: Resolve "New stcoil module for arbitrary stellarator coils" - [closed] #2123

Closed jonmaddock closed 1 year ago

jonmaddock commented 4 years ago

In GitLab by @jlion on Mar 3, 2020, 08:42

Merges 999-new-stcoil-module-for-arbitrary-stellarator-coils-2 -> develop

Closes #999

jonmaddock commented 4 years ago

In GitLab by @jlion on Mar 3, 2020, 08:42
