ukaea / PROCESS

PROCESS is a systems code at UKAEA that calculates in a self-consistent manner the parameters of a fusion power plant with a specified performance, ensuring that its operating limits are not violated, and with the option to optimise to a given function of these parameters.
MIT License
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Removed tfsai and tfsao from sctfcoil due to obsolete var in calcs #3209

Closed j-a-foster closed 4 weeks ago

j-a-foster commented 4 weeks ago


I removed tfsai and tfsao from as they were using the variable hr1 which wasn't calculated or an input and just set to 0. A power calculation that used tfsai was then replaced with tfcryoarea based on comments in the code (which have now been removed).


I confirm that I have completed the following checks:

j-a-foster commented 4 weeks ago

The changes in the regression tests appear to make sense to me but would like a second opinion.

mkovari commented 4 weeks ago

Since the cryogenic model is pretty rubbish anyway, I don't think this deserves too much brain power. In any case it's got to be better (?) to replace a variable that was never set by one that has a value.

mkovari commented 4 weeks ago

Please delete the branch if you are sure I haven't done something stupid.