ukaea / PROCESS

PROCESS is a systems code at UKAEA that calculates in a self-consistent manner the parameters of a fusion power plant with a specified performance, ensuring that its operating limits are not violated, and with the option to optimise to a given function of these parameters.
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Improved OUT.DAT #473

Closed jonmaddock closed 4 months ago

jonmaddock commented 7 years ago

In GitLab by @mkovari on Feb 20, 2017, 09:24

I would like to persuade people in PMU to use the full output file as often as possible, instead of just the summary pdf. It would help if the OUT.DAT was easier to understand.

  1. Some of the solver info at the top of the file is redundant and could be removed:

    Number of iteration variables                                            (nvar)                           43     
    Number of constraints                                                    (neqns)                          24     
    Optimisation switch                                                      (ioptimz)                         1     
    Figure of merit switch                                                   (minmax)                          1     
  2. The table (Certain operating limits have been reached) should have a descriptive label for each variable. For example,

    Electron density (/m3)  (dene)          =  8.0080E+19 is at or below its lower bound:  8.0080E+19
  3. The next table (The solution vector) should also be improved. For example,

    The optimum values of the iteration variables are as follows:
            final                                         final /
            value                                        initial
    bt =  5.6726E+00  *  Vacuum toroidal field at R (T)    1.1123 

    This has the advantage that the "write new IN.DAT" function now reduces to a simple copy and paste.

  4. The constraint table can also be improved.

    Description                           value                   constraint          normalised residue
    Global power balance consistency      1.2733E-01 MW/m3    =    1.2733E-01 MW/m3           1.3413E-08
    Density upper limit                   7.3904E+19 /m3      <    8.868E+19 /m3              7.7080E-10
  5. If possible the Plant Availability section should be postponed until after the Plasma section.

  6. Correct error in output of Fraction of alpha power deposited in plasma (falpha) 0.950 OP. This is an input not an output - should not show "OP".

  7. Reduce or eliminate table of Energy confinement times, and required H-factors. These are totally out of date. Keep:

    DS03    ????
    Murari et al NPL    
    Petty 2008    
    Lang et al. 2012  


  8. Please change the description of this variable to that used in vardes:

    cboot /1.0/ : bootstrap current fraction multiplier 


    Bootstrap fraction goose                                                 (cboot)                       1.000 


  9. And for csawth:

    coefficient for sawtooth effects on burn V-s requirement 


    Sawteeth coefficient                                                     (csawth)                      1.000 


  10. And these should be clarified:

    Initial charge time for PF coils (s)
    Shutdown time for PF coils (s)

    to read perhaps

    Initial charge time for CS from zero current (s)
    Reset time to zero current for CS (s)

    Then just remove

    Pulse time (s)
    Down time (s)


  11. The version number and run date and time are printed twice in the header:

    Version : 1.0.8    Release Date :: 2017-02-28
    Date/time :  7 Mar 2017 16:09:55 +00:00(hh:mm) UTC
      User : mkovari
    Directory : /home/mkovari/develop/test_suite/test_files/kallenbach
    PROCESS 1.0.8 : Run on  7 Mar 2017 16:09:55 +00:00(hh:mm) UTC by freia008

    Duplicate run date and time removed. Version not changed as this line also contains the release date. Done.

clmould commented 5 months ago

Only doing point 6 as the others have either been done or are not practical