PROCESS is a systems code at UKAEA that calculates in a self-consistent manner the parameters of a fusion power plant with a specified performance, ensuring that its operating limits are not violated, and with the option to optimise to a given function of these parameters.
Previously, the coil parameters of the helias5 stellarator were given by the module helias5b_coil_parameters. To introduce a possibility to use also other stellarator configurations I propose a generalization of this by using a new module:
module stellarator_configuration
!+ad_name stellarator_configuration_parameters
!+ad_summ Module containing defining parameters for a stellarator
!+ad_type Module
!+ad_auth J Lion, IPP Greifswald
!+ad_cont None
!+ad_args N/A
!+ad_desc This module contains a set of constants that defines a
!+ad_desc stellator configuration. Those parameters is based off external
!+ad_desc calculations.
!+ad_prob None
!+ad_call N/A
!+ad_hist 07/10/19 jlion Initial version
!+ad_stat to be checked
!+ad_docs tba
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
implicit none
type :: stella_config
! Name
character (len = 20) :: name
! Number of coils
integer symmetry
! Coils per module
integer coilspermodule
! Reference Point where all the other variables are determined
real(kind(1.0D0)) rmajor_ref
real(kind(1.0D0)) rminor_ref
real(kind(1.0D0)) aspect_ref
real(kind(1.0D0)) bt_ref
! Coil current needed for 1T on axis at outer radius 1m
real(kind(1.0D0)) i0
! Magnetic field fit parameter a1
real(kind(1.0D0)) a1
! Magnetic field fit parameter a2
real(kind(1.0D0)) a2
! Minimal intercoil distance dmin/Rmax
real(kind(1.0D0)) dmin
! Inductivity
real(kind(1.0D0)) inductivity
! Coil surface
real(kind(1.0D0)) coilsurface
! Total coil length
real(kind(1.0D0)) coillength
! Port size in toroidal direction
real(kind(1.0D0)) max_portsize_width
! Average minor Coil Radius (as r/R) to get it dimensionless.
real(kind(1.0D0)) coil_epsilon
! The ratio of the coil to plasma radius.
real(kind(1.0D0)) coil_to_plasma_radius
! The maximal coil height at reference point.
real(kind(1.0D0)) maximal_coil_height
! 1 volume parameter. It scales according to r*R^2
real(kind(1.0D0)) vr2r
! 1 surface parameter
real(kind(1.0D0)) surface
end type stella_config
! Overload fortran constructor
interface stella_config
procedure :: new_stella_config
end interface stella_config
type(stella_config) function new_stella_config(index)
integer, intent(in) :: index
select case (index)
! Helias5 Machine
new_stella_config%name = "Helias 5b"
! Reference point where all the other variables are determined from
! Plasma outer radius
new_stella_config%rmajor_ref = 22.0D0
new_stella_config%aspect_ref = 12.5D0
new_stella_config%rminor_ref = 22.0D0/12.5D0
new_stella_config%bt_ref = 5.6D0
new_stella_config%symmetry = 5
new_stella_config%coilspermodule = 10
new_stella_config%a1 = 0.712D0
new_stella_config%a2 = 0.027D0
new_stella_config%volume = 19.816D0 ! This value is for Helias 5
new_stella_config%dmin = 0.84D0
new_stella_config%max_portsize_width = 2.12D0
new_stella_config%surface= 49.228D0 ! Plasma Surface
new_stella_config%maximal_coil_height = 12.7 ! [m] Full height max point to min point
new_stella_config%coilsurface = 4817.7D0 ! Coil surface, dimensionfull. At reference point
new_stella_config%coil_epsilon = 4.7D0 / 22.46D0
new_stella_config%coillength = 1681.0D0 ! Central filament length of machine with outer radius 1m.
new_stella_config%coil_to_plasma_radius = 22.46D0/22.0D0 ! Approximately
new_stella_config%I0 = 13.06D0/5.6D0/22.46D0 ! Coil Current needed to produce 1T on axis in [MA] at outer radius 1m
new_stella_config%inductivity = 1655.76D-6/22.0D0* 12.5D0**2 ! Inductivity/R*A^2 in muH/m
! Here one could check if a vmec file should be used to calculate
! vr2r and vr3. I see no reason for that though..
! Helias4 Machine
! Helias3 Machine
case default
! Return some error here. The index is not implemented yet.
write(*,*)'ERROR in initialization of stellarator config'
write(*,*)'ERROR in initialization of stellarator config'
end select
end function new_stella_config
end module stellarator_configuration
This module will be used for changes in the stcoil subroutine (#tba) and is used for changes in stgeom already (#965).
In GitLab by @jlion on Dec 2, 2019, 10:08
Previously, the coil parameters of the helias5 stellarator were given by the module
. To introduce a possibility to use also other stellarator configurations I propose a generalization of this by using a new module:This module will be used for changes in the
subroutine (#tba) and is used for changes instgeom
already (#965).