ukasz123 / soundpool

Soundpool plugin for Flutter
88 stars 63 forks source link

A load of Kotlin nullability related warnings + Registrar Java deoprecation when compiling #105

Open MrCsabaToth opened 1 year ago

MrCsabaToth commented 1 year ago

Task :soundpool:compileReleaseKotlin w: /home/csaba/.pub-cache/hosted/ (17, 48): 'Registrar' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java w: /home/csaba/.pub-cache/hosted/ (32, 37): 'Registrar' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java w: /home/csaba/.pub-cache/hosted/ (57, 48): Unchecked cast: Any! to Map<String, Int> w: /home/csaba/.pub-cache/hosted/ (77, 48): Unchecked cast: Any! to Map<String, Int> w: /home/csaba/.pub-cache/hosted/ (84, 48): Unchecked cast: Any! to Map<String, Any> w: /home/csaba/.pub-cache/hosted/ (142, 9): 'constructor SoundPool(Int, Int, Int)' is deprecated. Deprecated in Java w: /home/csaba/.pub-cache/hosted/ (173, 56): Unchecked cast: Any! to Map<String, Any> w: /home/csaba/.pub-cache/hosted/ (176, 40): 'createTempFile(String = ..., String? = ..., File? = ...): File' is deprecated. Avoid creating temporary files in the default temp location with this function due to too wide permissions on the newly created file. Use instead or resort to w: /home/csaba/.pub-cache/hosted/ (196, 56): Unchecked cast: Any! to Map<String, Any> w: /home/csaba/.pub-cache/hosted/ (204, 56): 'createTempFile(String = ..., String? = ..., File? = ...): File' is deprecated. Avoid creating temporary files in the default temp location with this function due to too wide permissions on the newly created file. Use instead or resort to w: /home/csaba/.pub-cache/hosted/ (229, 48): Unchecked cast: Any! to Map<String, Any> w: /home/csaba/.pub-cache/hosted/ (243, 48): Unchecked cast: Any! to Map<String, Int> w: /home/csaba/.pub-cache/hosted/ (253, 48): Unchecked cast: Any! to Map<String, Int> w: /home/csaba/.pub-cache/hosted/ (261, 48): Unchecked cast: Any! to Map<String, Int> w: /home/csaba/.pub-cache/hosted/ (269, 48): Unchecked cast: Any! to Map<String, Any?> w: /home/csaba/.pub-cache/hosted/ (291, 48): Unchecked cast: Any! to Map<String, Any?>

I'm using Kotlin version 1.6.21