uklans / cache-domains

Domain Names required for LAN Content Cache DNS spoofing
MIT License
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EA Desktop app #221

Open Valdri opened 1 year ago

Valdri commented 1 year ago

Support for "EA App" ?

TheRedHerring95 commented 1 year ago

The issue you mention is for Origin, not the EA App, which is a new application EA released to do the same thing but worse.

Also, as mentioned in the issue you mentioned, it's also discussed that you can disable TLS/HTTPS to allow it to use the cache (as evidenced as it's inclusion on the list). Additionally, before full deprecation, it detected the presence of a cache and asked if you wanted to disable it, rather than having to dig into a menu to do it manually (still had to do that every time, but at least the option popped straight up).

So yeah, support for the EA App would be awesome if that can be looked into (unless it has been looked into and you just didn't check anything about the thread you mentioned).

VibroAxe commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately at the moment ea have sent us lan user's as unworthy of a communication channel so we haven't been able to get this to work. Without changes on the client side there's nothing we can unfortunately. If anyone has contacts in the right departments in EA we'd be happy to talk to them to make this work (as we do with a number of other publishers)

The work with origin was largely the result of a few employees at EA who made this work on their spare time, but we no longer have contact with this group and the code has not been ported to EA Desktop 😭

TheRedHerring95 commented 1 year ago

Ah, damn. I had a chat with their support a while back and (eventually, supposedly) got one of their support people to raise the issue with the current team, but...I'm assuming they just said that and didn't actually do anything. Fingers crossed you eventually get some new contacts there, because I'd love for this to work with EA Desktop at some point. Probably won't happen, but I'm guessing that'll be a long time if ever 😔 Love the project though, and if I ever end up on the inside anywhere, I'll be doing what I can to make sure whichever launchers I go near support it, if it doesn't already!