ukmaker / StompClient

A simple library with examples to allow ESP8266 Arduino devices to use Stomp messaging
11 stars 11 forks source link

Does the library support Esp32 #2

Open phyex0 opened 1 month ago

phyex0 commented 1 month ago

I'm sorry I couldn't find a way to ask a question. I'm trying to run the following library on Wemos D1 R32. It's called EspDuino-32. Basically, does the library support ESP32? I tried and I can communicate with my Stomp server. But I can't be sure.

phyex0 commented 1 month ago

Well according to my double check, there is no specific library for esp8266. I updated file. Thanks for all

ukmaker commented 1 month ago

Hope that works for you now. I haven't looked at this for years myself.