ukmars / ukmarsbot

A simple beginners multi purpose robot platform
MIT License
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Add Open Source Hardware (OSH) Logo to PCB #5

Open gbulmer opened 4 years ago

gbulmer commented 4 years ago

IMHO not urgent. Revision 2 or later.

Clearly mark the UKMaRSBot PCB so show that it is Open Hardware. Hence the PCB CAD is impacted. I have seen projects where the logo is added to the schematic too

A simple way to do that is put the Open Hardware logo on the PCB silkscreen. If practical, I'd put it into the copper too.

The logo is available from in various formats

An Eagle ECAD 'ULP' for the logo. An article which explains and links to an Eagle library part

There are versions for other ECAD tools.

The logo is CC-SA, so I am certain there is no associated cost.

However I have not done rigorous research to ensure the spirit and definition of OSH is matched. Though I struggle to imagine anyway UKMaRSBot wouldn't be compatible.

micromouseonline commented 4 years ago

At present, based on a quick look at the definition, we are not very compliant with the OSHW recommendations. Something to look at for the future.

gbulmer commented 4 years ago

I think carrying the logo would encourage/enable a bunch of web sites to carry articles about the 'bot, and hence reach more people.

I'll leave the issue open for now.