ukoethe / vigra

a generic C++ library for image analysis
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Matlab in MacOC: I got vigra compile again! #512

Closed tschuldigung closed 11 months ago

tschuldigung commented 1 year ago

Hi zusammen

@hmeine @hmaarrfk mit nur 5 Zeilen Änderung konnte ich VIGRA in Matlab unter MacOS wieder bauen und erfolgreich RandomForest trainieren. Leider kann ich den BRanch nicht einchecken, um einen PR zu erstellen - habe es mit https und PAT versucht, aber es kommt nur Error 403. Sind die Rechte eingeschränkt auf explizit vergebene Accounts?

Ich habe vigra das letzte Mal aktiv vor10 Jahren benutzt, als Doktorand beim HCI, daher kenne ich die Library und Uli. Schön, wie sie sich weiterentwickelt hat!

VG Joachim Börger

hmaarrfk commented 1 year ago

with only 5 lines change I was able to rebuild VIGRA in Matlab under MacOS and successfully train RandomForest. Unfortunately, I can't check in the BRanch to create a PR - I've tried https and PAT, but I only get Error 403. Are the rights restricted to explicitly assigned accounts?

I last actively used vigra 10 years ago as a PhD student at HCI, so I know the library and Uli. It's great how it has evolved!

You should probably fork the repository, and create a branch there.

There is the general problem of:

tschuldigung commented 1 year ago

Fork and thus leave all other Matlab MacOs users without the fix - and unable to use vigra? That would be a pity.

The error appearing says: Pushing to remote: Permission to ukoethe/vigra.git denied to tschuldigung. fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403 Completed with errors, see above

How to solve that? Can you add my user account s.t. I cn push sth?

hmaarrfk commented 1 year ago

sorry, i meant, fork, and make a branch, then make a pull request. This is typically the model that github development follows.

hmaarrfk commented 1 year ago


tschuldigung commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the hint! I created a fork and a PR, see above link

hmaarrfk commented 11 months ago

merged recently. thanks.