ukoethe / vigra

a generic C++ library for image analysis
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Windows compilation error with MSVC >= 14.28 #525

Open k-dominik opened 1 year ago

k-dominik commented 1 year ago

I've been tracking compilation issues with VS2019 compilers (I was using 14.29, but I've found that the problem was most likely introduced in MSVC 14.28.

I haven't found a solution (yet) but also don't want to forget everything the next time I get to it (or someone else looks into it).

The symptom:

following compilation error:

in the end the error occurs in MSVC STL: algorithm(6928): error C3892: '_First': you cannot assign to a variable that is const

more details here, note I shortened the paths a little for readability:

``` ..\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30133\include\algorithm(6928): error C3892: '_First': you cannot assign to a variable that is const ...\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30133\include\algorithm(7050): note: see reference to function template instantiation '_BidIt std::_Insertion_sort_unchecked<_RanIt,_Pr>(const _BidIt,const _BidIt,_Pr)' being compiled with [ _BidIt=vigra::StridedScanOrderIterator<1,vigra::UInt8,vigra::UInt8 &,vigra::UInt8 *>, _RanIt=vigra::StridedScanOrderIterator<1,vigra::UInt8,vigra::UInt8 &,vigra::UInt8 *>, _Pr=std::less ] ...\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30133\include\algorithm(7080): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'void std::_Sort_unchecked<_RanIt,_Fn>(_RanIt,_RanIt,__int64,_Pr)' being compiled with [ _RanIt=vigra::StridedScanOrderIterator<1,vigra::UInt8,vigra::UInt8 &,vigra::UInt8 *>, _Fn=std::less, _Pr=std::less ] ...\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30133\include\algorithm(7085): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'void std::sort<_RanIt,std::less>(const _RanIt,const _RanIt,_Pr)' being compiled with [ _RanIt=vigra::StridedScanOrderIterator<1,vigra::UInt8,vigra::UInt8 &,vigra::UInt8 *>, _Pr=std::less ] ...\vigra\vigranumpy\src\core\segmentation.cxx(1176): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'void std::sort>(const _RanIt,const _RanIt)' being compiled with [ T=vigra::UInt8, _RanIt=vigra::StridedScanOrderIterator<1,vigra::UInt8,vigra::UInt8 &,vigra::UInt8 *> ] ...\vigra\vigranumpy\src\core\segmentation.cxx(1181): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'vigra::NumpyAnyArray vigra::pythonUnique(vigra::NumpyArray<1,vigra::Singleband,vigra::StridedArrayTag>,bool)' being compiled with [ T=npy_uint8 ] ...\vigra\vigranumpy\src\core\segmentation.cxx(1181): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'void vigra::pyUniqueImpl::def(const char *,const Args &)' being compiled with [ T=npy_uint8, Args=boost::python::detail::keywords<2> ] ...\vigra\vigranumpy\src\core\segmentation.cxx(1181): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'void vigra::pyUniqueImpl::def(const char *,const Args &)' being compiled with [ T=npy_uint8, Args=boost::python::detail::keywords<2> ] ...\vigra\vigranumpy\src\core\segmentation.cxx(1181): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'void vigra::pyUniqueImpl::def(const char *,const Args &,const char *)' being compiled with [ T1=npy_uint8, Args=boost::python::detail::keywords<2> ] ...\vigra\vigranumpy\src\core\segmentation.cxx(1181): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'void vigra::pyUniqueImpl::def(const char *,const Args &,const char *)' being compiled with [ T1=npy_uint8, Args=boost::python::detail::keywords<2> ] ...\vigra\include\vigra/numpy_array_converters.hxx(803): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'void vigra::pyUnique<1,5,npy_uint8,npy_uint32,npy_uint64,npy_int64,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void>::def(const char *,const Args &,const char *) const' being compiled with [ Args=boost::python::detail::keywords<2> ] ...\vigra\include\vigra/numpy_array_converters.hxx(803): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'void vigra::pyUnique<1,5,npy_uint8,npy_uint32,npy_uint64,npy_int64,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void>::def(const char *,const Args &,const char *) const' being compiled with [ Args=boost::python::detail::keywords<2> ] ...\vigra\vigranumpy\src\core\segmentation.cxx(1618): note: see reference to function template instantiation 'void boost::python::multidef,boost::python::detail::keywords<2>>(const char *,const Functor &,const Args &,const char *)' being compiled with [ Functor=vigra::pyUnique<1,5,npy_uint8,npy_uint32,npy_uint64,npy_int64,void,void,void,void,void,void,void,void>, Args=boost::python::detail::keywords<2> ] ```

I found a discussion related to the above error here:

Bottom line seems to be that the vigra iterator implementation is "wrong" and de-referencing a const iterator should not return a const reference.

I followed the trail a bit to


, and finally to


As far as I understand the problem, the solution should be removing the const from the returned reference. However, I didn't manage to do it in a way that would compile.

k-dominik commented 1 year ago

Looks like on cf even the python 3.11 vigra package is built with MSVC 14.16. I'll propose this as a workaround.

hmaarrfk commented 9 months ago

chatgpt says to look at the usage of std:sort

It says that begin and end may be returning const iterators, which would be stopping sort from swapping values, but I can't find anything about this.

hmaarrfk commented 5 months ago

i'm somewhat confused, but it feel like the iterators are defined in:

k-dominik commented 5 months ago

bummer, when I saw you recompiling I had the vague memory of fixing this - but apparently I haven't :/

hmaarrfk commented 5 months ago

I think we have to introduce cbegin and cend

h-vetinari commented 5 months ago

Problem remains also with VS2022, see