If you wish to search for word that appear together, try a proximity search. For example, the following finds resources where the words 'coffee' and 'java' occur within 25 words of each other.
Typo in the first sentence and the second sentence indicates a following example which isn't there. Something like this would make more sense:
If you wish to search for words that appear together, try a proximity search. For example, find resources where the two phrases (e.g. the words 'coffee' and 'java') occur within 25 words of each other.
Also the choice of shadow example words seems pretty random in that they appear in some search fields but not others. So if "Jack Russell" and "25" etc. are to appear, then so arguably should "Coffee" and "Java", and the above could then be rephrased to the simpler:
If you wish to search for words that appear together, try a proximity search. For example, find resources where 'coffee' and 'java' occur within 25 words of each other.
This might seem pedantic but BL should set standards in English, and this wording has been copied and pasted into another piece of software for an issue which I will now have to fail...
Proximity Search help: https://www.webarchive.org.uk/shine/search/advanced
Typo in the first sentence and the second sentence indicates a following example which isn't there. Something like this would make more sense:
Also the choice of shadow example words seems pretty random in that they appear in some search fields but not others. So if "Jack Russell" and "25" etc. are to appear, then so arguably should "Coffee" and "Java", and the above could then be rephrased to the simpler:
This might seem pedantic but BL should set standards in English, and this wording has been copied and pasted into another piece of software for an issue which I will now have to fail...