ukwa / ukwa-heritrix

The UKWA Heritrix3 custom modules and Docker builder.
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Docker-compose might need to declare additional Kafka listeners kafka-console* to work #56

Open Radtoo opened 4 years ago

Radtoo commented 4 years ago

I figured out that to even issue orders to Kafka from outside the containers, I needed to change the docker-compose file so that I can send to localhost:29092 as follows:

cat testdata/seed.json | kafka-console-producer --broker-list localhost:29092 --topic uris-to-crawl

Do you think the docker-compose.yml and might be fixed accordingly?

I didn't create a pull request because while the robot container test crawl works, I have further errors on my end (Zookeeper complaining about quite a few other topics, Heritrix somehow getting a java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException inorg.restlet.resource.ServerResource) that seem to prevent me from completing this CLI triggered test crawl with a container. As such it is unclear to me if there is a problem with my docker-compose.yml update or if the problem is somewhere else.