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Add Scottish Gaelic translations to Topics and Themes page #342

Closed jasonwebber-bl closed 1 year ago

jasonwebber-bl commented 2 years ago

Awaiting translation into Scottish Gaelic of the following:

Searches on 'title' and 'description' only

Arts and Culture


Politics and Government


Science Technology and Medicine

Society and Community

Sport and Recreation

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jasonwebber-bl commented 2 years ago

Not yet heard back from Graeme at NLS about the translations

jasonwebber-bl commented 1 year ago

English text Gaelic translation
Searches on 'title' and 'description' only Rannsachadh air 'tiotal' agus 'tuairisgeul' a-mhàin
Arts and Culture Ealain is Cultar
History Eachdraidh
Politics and Government Poileataigs agus Riaghaltas
Places Àiteachan
Science Technology and Medicine Saidheans Teicneòlas agus Leigheas
Society and Community Comann agus Coimhearsnachd
Sport and Recreation Spòrs agus Cur-seachad
Filter within all categories (xxx collections available) Criathraich taobh a-staigh gach roinn (xxx cruinneachaidhean rim faighinn)
No results Gun toraidhean
Results found Toraidhean air an lorg
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All collections A h-uile cruinneachadh

jasonwebber-bl commented 1 year ago

I've checked all of these, they are good. We can go live.