ul-fmf / projekt-tomo

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Priprava razvojnega okolja #261

Closed matijapretnar closed 1 year ago

matijapretnar commented 1 year ago
matijapretnar commented 1 year ago

Migracij nisem peštal (squashmigrations), ampak sem jih raje resetiral, da ne vlečemo naokoli starih smeti. Za migracije sem sledil navodilom na https://raturi.in/blog/how-reset-django-migrations/. Najprej sem preveril, da makemigrations ne naredi nobene nove migracije in da migrate ne izvede nobene migracije. Torej je baza usklajena s kodo.

tomo@d22a54139ea4:/workspace/web$ ./manage.py makemigrations
No changes detected
tomo@d22a54139ea4:/workspace/web$ ./manage.py migrate
Operations to perform:
  Apply all migrations: admin, attempts, auth, authtoken, contenttypes, courses, problems, sessions, social_django, taggit, users
Running migrations:
  No migrations to apply.

Nato sem za vse naše štiri aplikacije (attempts, courses, problems, users) pognal migrate --fake app_name zero, da sem Django pretental, da ni bila pognana še nobena migracija.

tomo@d22a54139ea4:/workspace/web$ python manage.py migrate --fake attempts zero
Operations to perform:
  Unapply all migrations: attempts
Running migrations:
  Rendering model states... DONE
  Unapplying attempts.0010_alter_historicalattempt_options_and_more... FAKED
  Unapplying attempts.0009_historicalattempt_history_change_reason... FAKED
  Unapplying attempts.0003_make_feedback_string_list... FAKED
  Unapplying attempts.0002_rename_accepted_to_valid... FAKED
  Unapplying attempts.0001_initial... FAKED
tomo@d22a54139ea4:/workspace/web$ python manage.py migrate --fake courses zero
Operations to perform:
  Unapply all migrations: courses
Running migrations:
  Rendering model states... DONE
  Unapplying problems.0020_alter_historicalpart_options_and_more... FAKED
  Unapplying problems.0019_auto_20221022_1604... FAKED
  Unapplying courses.0003_auto_20150814_0805... FAKED
  Unapplying courses.0002_auto_20150805_1700... FAKED
  Unapplying courses.0001_initial... FAKED
tomo@d22a54139ea4:/workspace/web$ python manage.py migrate --fake problems zero
Operations to perform:
  Unapply all migrations: problems
Running migrations:
  Rendering model states... DONE
  Unapplying problems.0003_historicalpart_historicalproblem... FAKED
  Unapplying problems.0002_add_secret_validator... FAKED
  Unapplying problems.0001_initial... FAKED
tomo@d22a54139ea4:/workspace/web$ python manage.py migrate --fake users zero
Operations to perform:
  Unapply all migrations: users
Running migrations:
  Rendering model states... DONE
  Unapplying users.0006_auto_20221022_1604... FAKED
  Unapplying users.0005_auto_20190328_1457... FAKED
  Unapplying admin.0002_logentry_remove_auto_add... FAKED
  Unapplying admin.0001_initial... FAKED
  Unapplying users.0001_initial... FAKED

Potem sem ročno pobrisal vse migracije in nove naredil od začetka.

tomo@d22a54139ea4:/workspace/web$ python manage.py makemigrations
Migrations for 'attempts':
    - Create model Attempt
    - Create model HistoricalAttempt
    - Add field history_user to historicalattempt
    - Add field part to historicalattempt
    - Add field user to historicalattempt
    - Add field part to attempt
    - Add field user to attempt
    - Alter unique_together for attempt (1 constraint(s))
Migrations for 'users':
    - Create model User

Na koncu sem z migrate --fake Django pretental, da so vse migracije že narejene (kar je tudi res, saj se baza vmes ni spreminjala). Na https://raturi.in/blog/how-reset-django-migrations/ so navodila drugačna, tam je samo --fake-initial, ampak po mojem ni hujše škode.

tomo@d22a54139ea4:/workspace/web$ python manage.py migrate --fake
Operations to perform:
  Apply all migrations: admin, attempts, auth, authtoken, contenttypes, courses, problems, sessions, social_django, taggit, users
Running migrations:
  Applying users.0001_initial... FAKED
  Applying admin.0001_initial... FAKED
  Applying admin.0002_logentry_remove_auto_add... FAKED
  Applying social_django.0008_partial_timestamp... FAKED
  Applying social_django.0009_auto_20191118_0520... FAKED
  Applying social_django.0010_uid_db_index... FAKED

Nato sem še pognal test in runserver ter preveril, da vse dela brez težav.

matijapretnar commented 1 year ago

Imam dump anonimizirane postgres baze, ki je velika cca. 80 MB. Kakšna ideja, kam jo lahko naložim za zainteresirane? Fixture je pa precej večji, bi bilo treba podatke še malo oklestiti, preden se jih da uporabljati.

matijapretnar commented 1 year ago

Aja, pa razvoj poteka na https://github.com/ul-fmf/projekt-tomo/tree/razvojno-okolje.