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Ulex Plugin #28

Open joestartupsocieties opened 4 years ago

joestartupsocieties commented 4 years ago

In our developer chat, we discussed that one of the best ways forward was to build an open source plugin that allows different platforms to use Ulex. Instead of creating a full Ulex platform, we can cater to firms like OpenBazzar that need a jurisdiction to adjudicate disputes. This issue is about creating the technical specifications necessary to for an MVP Ulex plugin. The goal is that other actors can copy it and change it for specific platforms (similar to the Redhat model).

Flaxscrip commented 4 years ago

There are 3 technologies that I believe might be interesting to research before our next meeting:

1- OpenBazaar. They seem like an ideal community for Ulex. I don't believe their system generates a lot of commerce, but the quality and reliability of the software has been impressive.

2- Dissenter. Dissenter is a browser plugin used to comment about a web page without need for permission from the web site operator. The creates a new layer of information about the web that is managed independently from the web content.

3- The possible power of a technology like Dissenter becomes evident if we integrate a web-of-trust reputation system. Identity, claim validation, and trust relationships would be key components of a decentralized law services network. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rebooting-the-web-of-trust-ix-2019b-prague-tickets-63443365815

proftomwbell commented 4 years ago

To recap, to check understanding:

  1. The goal would be to create a plugin compatible with the OpenBazaar platform that would allow vendors to easily make Ulex the choice of law, maybe choice of forum, too.

  2. Ditto for Dissenter.

  3. Here the idea is to build a decentralized law services network that helps connect service providers with consumers by establishing identities, credentials, and trustworthiness.

joestartupsocieties commented 4 years ago

Meeting Minutes: Ulex Application Scope Workshop


In the last workshop, participants have centered upon a single use case. They decided that the Ulex Open Source Community should focus on building a Ulex plugin. The plugin could be used by multiple platforms (like Open Bazzar) that need dispute resolution, but do not have a choice of law provision.

The point of the meeting is to list the specific software functionalities. Based on this outline of the software’s functionality, following meetings will create technical specifications. This will include cost and time estimates. Based on these technical specifications, the Ulex Open Source community will crowdfund based on the cost estimates.

Executive Summary:

The participants reached a consensus on the software functionalities. The 1.5 hour discussion was productive, specific, and insightful. The participants managed to create software functionalities that could make the plugin simultaneously broadly useful, yet developmentally agile. The software will be able to allow platforms to adjudicate dispute, users to choose judges, allow lawyers to moon lights as online dispute adjudicators, and resolve disputes through simple forums.

Strong Block Introductions:

Thomas B Cox of StrongBlock, and original founder of Block.One, joined our call for the first time. He talked about his background as an expert in Blockchain governance. He also discussed the implications for Ulex in regards to EOS. While ECAF is no longer in use, there are still use cases.

Use Cases for a Ulex Plugin:

The participants discussed different use cases for the plugin. The goal of this part of the discussion is to ascertain what functions it needed to fill. One was Openbazaar. It is store operating on a digital ledger. The goal of the platform is to make it resistant to central authority. However, this provides a problem. Because they do not rely on any government legal system, they do not have choice of law when the vendors and customers on their platform have a dispute.

Participants also discussed how it could be used for goods with grey markets. Currently, the cannabis industry is legal, partially legal, or illegal in different US states. Its often difficult to choose which choice of law to operate under when shipping goods. Ulex provides a legal system that does not rely on the United State legal system directly (but complications can still arise if US based courts are required to enforce agreements under US contract law).

Another use case was allowing lawyers and people familiar with the law to moonlight as online dispute adjudicators. They are not many platforms that allow underemployed law school grads and indebted practices lawyers to easily resolve disputes. Ulex could create a platform for potential “judges” to sign up be listed and selected by disputing parties.

Participants also discussed how Ulex needs a forum. While Ulex users could theoretically go to most courts to enforce their contracts, it is a more tedious process. It would be ideal if there was an online forum that specifically adjudicates Ulex disputes.


Based on the above conversation, participants settled on some main functionalities. The goal was to be expansive enough so they product could be impactful. Participants also attempted to limit functionalities to make development as lean as possible. Functionalities include allowing:

Next Steps:

The next meeting will examine the main functionalities of the plugin to determine costs and estimated development time. The estimates will be the basis of a budget that the Ulex Open Source Community will use to crowdfund a bounty.

Flaxscrip commented 4 years ago

Meeting Minutes: Ulex Application Scope Workshop


To create a lean MVP system that facilitate the adoption of Ulex as a dispute resolution situs.

Desired features evolving from functionality discussed in prior meetings include:

General notes:

Michael's initial tech assessment:

Initial User Scenarios:

Judge Path:

  1. Create "adjudicator" user profile
  2. Populate profile with history, associations, etc
  3. Populate profile with fee schedule
  4. Publish profile
  5. Receive notification if request for service

Individual User Path:

  1. Install browser plugin app
  2. Create "user" profile
  3. Associate transaction with profile (scan a QR code, shopping system back-end integration, etc)
  4. Trigger dispute related to transaction

Commercial User Path:

  1. Install browser, server, or stand-alone app.
  2. View list of disputes related to transaction records.
  3. Manage dispute records

Dispute Path:

  1. Open Ulex plugin/application/website
  2. Trigger / select dispute related to a transaction
  3. Select judge from repository
  4. Open private forum with other parties for dispute resolution process
  5. Dispute case interface will require file exchange capabilities

Other systems:

A number of other systems are providing similar online legal/dispute resolution services.

Separate work stream should be initiated to engage strategically with these other service providers. Ulex could also be integrated in these existing platforms; in these cases, our technology efforts would be redirected towards implementing the new Ulex "features" within these other platforms.

Ultimately, we will need to define clearly the advantages of using Ulex. Final misc ideas:

Next Steps:

  1. Joe will define 5 workflows based on initial notes in these minutes.
  2. Christian will translate the 5 initial workflows in a series of screen mock-ups.
  3. Mockups will become basis for project sizing, cost/duration estimates, roadmap, and strategic technologies & partners selection.
  4. We also want to build an initial API list for back-end integration.
joestartupsocieties commented 4 years ago

Hey everyone. I can confirm most of Christian's workflow in the meeting minutes. I just added a couple details. All is included down below in this publicly accessible google document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yCihNzIjtaZleQvHqkYGYfVcvLaRi2MqP1sfo1Bin-s/edit?usp=sharing

Flaxscrip commented 4 years ago

I'm attaching a first draft of end-user screen wireframes for the Ulex Plugin based on the notes above and past discussions. Note that the wireframes do not yet form a complete application. This is just a first cut to get the conversation started. Please edit, comment, add, repost.


Flaxscrip commented 4 years ago

The attached zip file contains the original Pencil source file. The Pencil application can be downloaded at http://pencil.evolus.vn.


proftomwbell commented 4 years ago

Hey, Ulex champs: I'm currently writing "Ulex: Open Source Law for Non-Territorial Governance" for ICG's Journal of Special Jurisdictions (a new peer edited pub). The paper will talk about this plug-in effort, as well as other Ulexy things at this repository. It will name each of you unless you object.

Research for that paper led me to look into Dissenter. While the software is open-source, it does not seem distributed in the way OpenBazaar and EOS are. Dissenter's creator, Gab, retains the right and claims the power to remove illegal or objectionable material. The Dissenter service would perhaps do well to choose Ulex as the law applicable to disputes arising under that moderation service, but that's a claim that could be made of any number of online services from a central source to worldwide recipients.

Flaxscrip commented 4 years ago

What I like in the Dissenter model is that it creates its own "web" of information about information on the web. The Ulex plugin could similarly be OSS with levels of centralized control, just like Gab retains control over the Dissenter network. If more openness in the network governance is desired, the Nomicon process that @macterra and I have been promoting is a great way to invite the community to participate in decision making.

I'm really excited to see your paper for Non-Territorial Governance applications. One of the decentralized concepts I promote to my clients is the tokenisation of information. In agriculture for example, the farmer has knowledge that consumers value - like an apple's harvest date. The farmer can tokenize that information and make it available at a price to consumers who might purchase it (would you pay $0.20 extra for proof-of-harvest?) from a grocery store or favorite restaurant smart phone app.

These types of micro-transactions, ideally implemented in a peer-to-peer fashion, will become more common in the future. Ulex would be a very logical Situs for these exchanges. Note that the product being exchanged here is NOT the apple; the product is information about the apple, which would exists only digitally on a global peer-to-peer network.