ulex / ZenSharp

ZenSharp for ReSharper is mnemonics on steroids!
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In Method Argument Scope? #23

Open Mike-E-angelo opened 8 years ago

Mike-E-angelo commented 8 years ago

I use PostSharp and I am finding myself using a lot of contract guards for my method attributes. It would be nice to make these ZenSharp templates and I am wondering if there is a scope to enable in method definitions?

Mike-E-angelo commented 6 years ago

Sounds like a no. 😉

Mike-E-angelo commented 6 years ago

In case anyone else is interested, I was able to work around this by using InCSharpFile:

scope "InCSharpFile" {
  start ::= ""="T" type | ""=P parameter

So now when I hit T or P I get access to the type selection offered by ZenSharp, or a type selection followed by a parameter, respectively.

I actually got quite a bit implemented in the past day learning and configuring my ZenSharp template (finally 😆). In addition to the default behaviors I have added support for generic arguments for methods and classes, as well as multiple parameter definitions for methods. ZenSharp handles recursive templates, so that is pretty nice. I've also added a template generator for extension methods which have always been a hassle for me. Here is the file in case anyone might find it of interest/value:

// C# templates
space ::= " "
cursor ::= "$END$"

// Resharper macros:
identifier ::= <name default="$name$" macros = "suggestVariableName()">
suggest ::= <type default="$type$" macros = "completeType()">

// Common:
access ::= ((internal=i | public=p | private=_ | protected=r) space)?
name ::= space identifier (""="`" "<" <T1 default="$T1$" macros = "complete()"> (", "="`" <T2 default="$T2$" macros = "complete()">)? ">")?

// Primive types:
type      ::= (known | primitive ("?"="?")? | suggest) ("[]"=a)?
primitive ::= string=s | byte=bY | bool=b | "System.DateTime"=dT | decimal=dC | double=d | int=i | uint=uI | "System.Guid"=g | "System.Uri"=u | "System.Xml.Linq.XElement"=x |

// Complex types:
observable  ::= "System.IObservable"=O definition
action  ::= "System.Action"=A definition
func ::= "System.Func"=F definition
func2 ::= "System.Func"=F2 definition2
funcB ::= "System.Func<"=FB type ", bool>"
array    ::= "System.Collections.Immutable.ImmutableArray"=I definition
generic1 ::= (SCG ("IList"=l | "IEnumerable"="~")) definition
generic2 ::= (SCG ("SortedList"=sl | "IDictionary"=di)) definition2
SCG      ::= "System.Collections.Generic."
definition ::= "<" type ">"
definition2 ::= "<" type ", " type ">"

// Custom:
command  ::= "DragonSpark.ICommand"=C definition
source  ::= "DragonSpark.Sources.ISource"="S1" definition
source2  ::= "DragonSpark.Sources.ISource"="S2" definition2
specification ::= "DragonSpark.Specifications.ISpecification"="S3" definition
custom ::= command | source | source2 | specification

known ::= generic1 | generic2 | array | action | func | func2 | funcB | custom

// Auto properties:
property        ::= access ("abstract "=ap | "static "=P | "virtual "=vp | ""=p) type space identifier propertyBody cursor
propertyBody    ::= "{ get;" propertySetAccessor " set; }"
propertySetAccessor ::= "protected "="+p" | ""="+" | "private "

// Methods:
constructor ::= "public "="C" <ctor default="$ctor$" macros="typeName();completeSmart()"> "(" parameters cursor") {}"
method ::= access ("virtual "=vm | "abstract "=am | "static "=M | ""=m) declaration "(" parameters ")" methodBody
declaration ::= (type | "void") name
methodBody ::= " { " cursor " }"
parameter ::= type space identifier (", "="," parameter)?
extension ::= "public static "=x declaration "(this "=":" type " @this" (", " parameter)? ")" methodBody

// Consts:
const ::= access "const "=c primType space identifier "= """ identifier """;"

// Fields:
// field ::= "readonly "=r type space identifier ("="="=" identifier2 ";" | ";")

// Classes:
class ::= className classExtend
className ::= access (("sealed "=s) | ("static "=S))? ("class"=c) name
classExtend ::= (extend (""="B" body)?) | body
extend ::= " : "=" " type
body ::= "{" cursor "}"

enum ::= access space "enum"=e space identifier body

scope "InCSharpFile" {
  start ::= ""="_" type (""=" " space identifier)? | "params "="P+" type "[]" identifier | ""="tia" <array default="$array$" macros="enumerableVariable())"> ".ToImmutableArray()"

scope "InCSharpClass" {
  start ::= constructor | method | extension | property | const | ""=tf "[Fact] public void " identifier "(){" cursor "}"

//| ""=ts "[Theory, AutoData] public void " identifier "( " identifier " sut ){" cursor "}"

scope "InCSharpTypeAndNamespace" {
  start ::=
    | class
    | interface
    | enum

  interface ::= access "interface "=i "I" identifier extend body


scope "InCSharpInterface" {
  start ::=
    | type space identifier propertyBody cursor
    | method
    | property

  propertyBody ::= "{ get; }" | "{ get; set; }"="+"
  access ::= ""
  methodBody ::= ";"

scope "InCSharpStruct" {

scope "InCSharpStatement" {
  start ::=
    | "if ("=ifr identifier " == null) return;"
    | "Log."=l (Fatal=f | Info=i | Error=e | Trace=t | Debug=d) "(""" cursor """);"