ulic75 / power-flow-card

A power distribution card inspired by the official Energy Distribution card for Home Assistant
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Issues with Chart Accuracy #178

Open matt7py opened 11 months ago

matt7py commented 11 months ago

Hello, I am encountering some problems that are affecting the accuracy of my energy consumption chart. I have a setup where the solar cells generate electricity for my house and any excess power is returned to the grid. The grid has both an in value and an out value.

Grid: sensor.power_export: Represents the extra power sent back to the grid. sensor.power_import: Indicates the power I need for my house during the night or when there is no extra power available.

Solar: sensor.inverter_active_power: Represents the power generated by the solar cells, which is used by the house and any excess is sent back to the grid.

House: sensor.consumption: Represents the total power consumption of my house, including power from the solar cells and the grid.

I am observing discrepancies in the chart, and it seems that the calculation of sensor.consumption is not accurately reflecting the power usage. I suspect that there might be an issue with how I am combining the values from sensor.inverter_active_power, sensor.power_export, and sensor.power_import in the calculation.

How should I properly calculate the total consumption (sensor.consumption) considering the contributions from solar power and the grid? Are there any specific configurations or adjustments I should make to ensure accurate charting of my energy consumption?

type: custom:power-flow-card entities: grid: consumption: sensor.power_export production: sensor.filtered_positive_sensor solar: sensor.inverter_active_power consumption: sensor.consumption