HorneroConfig is a comprehensive dotfiles framework, tailored for seamless customization of diverse window management setups across various operating systems. Just like the skilled hornero bird meticulously shapes its nest, HorneroConfig empowers you to craft a digital environment that's robust, uniquely yours, and beautifully organized!
Originally posted by **Narrat** June 4, 2023
I noticed your aur repo [dots-git](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/dots-git). And I noticed some behaviour which isn't really according to the [guidelines](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/AUR_submission_guidelines).
Main point being it is a VCS package. Those package should only receive a version bump if there are breaking changes that [warrant](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/AUR_submission_guidelines#Publishing_new_package_content) a build.
In your case it is kinda worse as the action is set to run the action twice a day? At least the aur repo gets updated that often. And most of the time with empty commits which pollutes the history of the repo quite significantly. Not made easier by the fact that everything has the same commit message and such.
So please change the process. Or if you doubt me get in touch with the Trusted Users via the [aur-general mailing list](https://lists.archlinux.org/mailman3/lists/aur-general.lists.archlinux.org/) and ask for confirmation if the behaviour is okay.
Discussed in https://github.com/ulises-jeremias/dotfiles/discussions/22